- Author: Dean Fortier dean4ta@gmail.com
- License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0)
This repository contains the RL Control package for the Inverted Pendulum Simulation.
Start the partnered simulation:
roslaunch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch rviz:=true
Start the rl training node:
rosrun inverted_pendulum_rl_control train_ddpg.py
Once training has produced a model, you can save it to a file with with the following command:
rosservice call /save_model "filename: 'model_name'"
This command saves the model to the inverted_pendulum_rl_control/models/
You can load and evaluate a model with the following command:
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_rl_control eval.launch
This repo contains an existing model that can be evaluated like so:
roslaunch inverted_pendulum_rl_control eval.launch rl_model_name:=trained_actor.pkl
The DDPG algorithm used was inspired by the simple-pytorch-rl repo.