debduttasinha's Stars
This capstone project is part of the Applied Data Science Capstone course on Coursera that explores the Foursquare and Zomato API together to explore venues in Chandigarh, India based on ratings and price ranges.
This repository hosts all the deep learning models developed as part of the Deep Learning A-Z course on Udemy.
This project develops a digit recognizer machine learning model and identifies the best model parameters using GridSearchCV.
The project trains an Artificial Neural Network which can predict whether a visitor will generate revenue for the company or not.
This project trains a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using Keras that can identify Malaria cells with a test accuracy of more than 96%.
This repository includes analysis of classification results based on Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve and Cumulative Accuracy Profile (CAP) Curves.
This project develops a deep learning model that trains on 1.6 million tweets for sentiment analysis to classify any new tweet as either being positive or negative.
I'll use various machine learning algorithms to predict the price of used cars.
This project explores colors in various images and then enables the user to query the images based on a given color.
The project involves training a machine learning model (K Neighbors Classifier) to predict whether someone is suffering from a heart disease with 87% accuracy.
The project deals with using Machine Learning on Census Income dataset to predict if income is above or below $50K per annum.