
Building Unity mechanics structured as a set of challenges. 100 sample programs where each program demonstrates a different mechanic.

Primary LanguageC#

100 Unity Mechanics for Programmers

Building Unity mechanics structured as a set of challenges. 100 sample programs where each program demonstrates a different mechanic. Visit the website for WebGL builds here

Each mechanic has its own zip file in programs/ which can be downloaded. The full repository is ~2GBs.

List of Mechanics

  1. WASD Keys for Movement in 2D
  2. Space Bar to Jump
  3. WASD Keys to adjust speed and direction (with and without friction)
  4. Space Bar to Double Jump
  5. Space Bar to Shoot in 2D
  6. Mouse Wheel to Zoom Camera
  7. Frictional Forces in 2D
  8. Minimap
  9. Drag and Drop UI
  10. Drag and Drop to Corners
  11. Load Next Level
  12. Background Music
  13. Camera Shake
  14. Bounce Object Off Wall in 2D
  15. Loading Bar and Screen
  16. Smooth Camera Follow
  17. Health Bar
  18. Drag and Drop to Nearest Corner
  19. Rotate Object to Cursor in 2D
  20. Raycast/Hitscan Shooting in 2D
  21. Change Cursor
  22. Enemy Follow Player in 2D
  23. Basic Navmesh in 3D
  24. Move Camera in 2D
  25. Volume Control and Mute Music
  26. Teleport Between Locations in 2D
  27. NPC Patrol Between Waypoints in 2D
  28. Write Out Text Effect
  29. Pause Game
  30. Grappling Hook 2D
  31. Parallax Background Scrolling in 2D
  32. First Person Movement 3D
  33. Reset Scene
  34. Scene Transitions and Screen Tint
  35. Change Player Speed
  36. Text Follow Player & Hide/Show UI
  37. Spawn Object in Random Location and Destroy on Time Interval
  38. Game Over Screen with Restart Button
  39. Lose when HP reaches 0
  40. Quit Application on Key Press
  41. Main Menu
  42. Change scene on key press
  43. Ability cooldown
  44. Show/hide map/popup on key press
  45. Sound effects (one time ex. shooting)
  46. Switch weapons
  47. Text Tutorial with Key to Skip
  48. Change fire rate
  49. Pick Up Object When Character Walks Over in 2D
  50. Use Items On Key Press
  51. Upgrade Shop
  52. Buy Upgrade with money
  53. Infront Draggable UI Element
  54. Scrollable UI Element
  55. Show Text UI on Mouse Hover
  56. Number Keypad
  57. Rebindable Keys
  58. Varying sound effects (change tone/pitch)
  59. Outline/highlight object on mouse hover
  60. Bomb that Destroys Enemies in Radius
  61. Arrow Buttons to Make a Choice
  62. Escape Room Alphabet Lock
  63. Snake
  64. Timer
  65. Utility Wheel
  66. Auto Clicker/Cookie Clicker
  67. 2D Flashlight
  68. Movement slowing obstacles
  69. Random Selection
  70. Command/Chat Bar
  71. Buoyancy
  72. Wind Force
  73. Attract and Repel
  74. Platforms
  75. Pick Up Object When Character Walks Over in 3D
  76. Rewind
  77. Line Drawing
  78. Cell Phone
  79. Draw Objects
  80. Tilemaps
  81. Super Mario Style Jump
  82. FPS Aim Assist
  83. Summon Ally
  84. Energy Shield
  85. QTE
  86. Checkpoint System
  87. Charge Up Blaster
  88. Open Chest
  89. Player Turns
  90. Dice Roller
  91. 3D Flashlight
  92. First Person & Third Person POV
  93. Wheel Spinner
  94. Missions
  95. Camera Panning
  96. Sleep to Skip Time
  97. Map Waypoints
  98. Drop Items When Killed
  99. Hunger Meter
  100. Gravity Changer
  101. Manipulate Object Size