- 9
HEX/RGB colors are getting corrupted
#402 opened by jdefockert - 12
svglib fails to render properly
#380 opened by MrBitBucket - 2
- 5
Please share wheel file on pypi
#399 opened by heisenpreet - 4
svglib ignores <switch> nodes
#397 opened by ilkoch008 - 4
Problems with embedded image sizes
#395 opened by Technickfreak - 5
svglib doesn't remove temporary files properly?
#393 opened by wgundamj44 - 4
- 2
Rename default branch to main
#390 opened by deeplook - 5
Units px and pt are wrong
#386 opened by 13thirteen - 0
Add font size test case to test suite
#389 opened by deeplook - 5
Embedding SVG fonts in PDF/rlg
#388 opened by rocketinventor - 9
CI failure because of missing cairo
#382 opened by claudep - 3
Using root log instead of logger
#384 opened by kiinami - 3
Error ByteIO
#379 opened by hatersDuck - 3
Reportlab 4.0.0 added dependency to pycairo
#376 opened by danielrivard - 2
Error on install svglib
#375 opened by Zhonglin-Niu - 1
- 7
Can't load SVG with gradient unless flattened
#336 opened by eddex - 6
Weird black and white lines in SVG rendering to PNG
#299 opened by nganju98 - 5
Implementation error in rendering of paths with shorthand command for quadratic Bézier curves
#364 opened by stefanw - 2
Transform on clipPath does not work
#366 opened by blayzen-w - 1
wrong width and height attributes of drawing obj
#362 opened by ronak1009 - 5
convert to pdf and png files is incorrect
#360 opened by alan0526 - 3
- 3
SVG not imported in PDF
#356 opened by TheeAntoine - 4
pdb set_trace in 1.4
#352 opened by marksweb - 7
Axis details and legend are not shown for EPS but they appear in the PDF for the same svg.
#348 opened by ahmad88me - 6
- 7
Unable to convert svg to png
#346 opened by jamessappy - 5
Installation Failed v 1.3.0 & 1.2.1
#349 opened by skrskr - 3
textLength attribute not handled
#345 opened by MattiWheels - 6
Error in Converting sup/sub script text
#327 opened by ronak1009 - 4
Rendering issue with <tspan> and <style>
#343 opened by jspobst - 2
- 6
Unexpected delay in embedding svg to pdf while upgrading svglib to 1.2.1
#338 opened by salistha-shakya - 0
Support non-prefixed href
#330 opened by claudep - 1
SVGLIB Produces Error - 'lxml.etree._Element' object has no attribute 'ancestors'
#335 opened by louis-gallo-cigna - 7
converted characters flock
#328 opened by retsyo - 1
The viewBox width height of the SVGCanvas
#333 opened by lythhh - 4
Zero-length line not drawn
#319 opened by donkirkby - 3
- 3
V1.2.1 Broken import
#316 opened by yeyeto2788 - 8
- 4
SVG file from Google Presentation won't parse
#306 opened by tobyclh - 1
Render drawing with dasharray="0" freezes up
#302 opened by cbeytas - 2
stroke-opacity not supported?
#303 opened by cbeytas - 2
Convert rst to markdown
#300 opened by victorbnl - 3
Use a setup.cfg
#294 opened by victorbnl - 15
clipPath ignored with PNG rendering
#292 opened by victorbnl