OpenSpiel is a collection of environments and algorithms for research in general reinforcement learning and search/planning in games.
- adolphyang
- adrianhust
- alvas
- ammzen
- baajarmehdeveloping a new AI project...
- bradjonescaNew York
- craftsliuTencent
- forestwolf
- fzviniciusDeepMind
- ghost-dogHome13
- gmontanaUniversity of Warwick
- hwzhao
- hyzcn
- jamesliuBay Jarvis
- jblespiau
- jhcloos
- justicelee
- JustinHedgeElectron Storm Digital Strategy Firm
- laurencecaoShanghai
- linzhehuiPerfect World(Beijing) Ltd.
- liu6023952
- michaelsalerno
- michalsustr
- mloenow
- mysl
- qarthAdelaide
- rejuvyesh@microsoft
- rfaulknerGoogle
- striderw
- sunchaobo
- thanhcnn2000
- tkimUnited States
- wookayinUniversity of Michigan
- yarentySkyCorp Limited
- zakkiTokyo, Japan
- zebrajackpungke