[IEEE RA-L] This repository is the official code for ReFeree: Radar-Based Lightweight and Robust Localization Using Feature and Free space.
Hogyun Kim*, Byunghee Choi*, Euncheol Choi, Younggun Cho†
(* represents equal contribution.)
- [September, 2024] Now, Cpp version's ReFeree code is released!!
- [September, 2024] Now, ReFeree-Radar-SLAM is released!!
- [September, 2024] Now, Python version's ReFeree code is released!!
- [September, 2024] ReFeree is accepted in RA-L!!
- ReFeree can be integrated with various Radar odometry.
- Integrated with Yeti-Odometry: ReFeree-Radar-SLAM
- ReFeree is a radar-based lightweight and robust global descriptor utilizing features and free space.
- ReFeree achieves rotational invariance and lightweight by selecting a one-dimensional ring-shaped description and robustness by mitigating the impact of false detection utilizing opposite noise characteristics between free space and feature.
Python version
$ git clone https://github.com/sparolab/referee.git $ cd python $ python3 test.py
Cpp version
$ git clone https://github.com/sparolab/referee.git $ cd cpp $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ ./test_referee
title={ReFeree: Radar-Based Lightweight and Robust Localization using Feature and Free space},
author={Kim, Hogyun and Choi, Byunghee and Choi, Euncheol and Cho, Younggun},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
- Hogyun Kim (hg.kim@inha.edu)
- Byunghee Choi (bhbhchoi@inha.edu)