
Primary LanguageJavaBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This repository holds the MC Terra Workspace Manager (WSM) service, client, and integration test projects.

This readme provides general information about WSM. Specifics about how to do development within the Broad Institute's CI/CD system can be found in DEVELOPMENT.


WSM provides workspaces; contexts for holding the work of individuals and teams. A workspace has members that are granted some role on the workspace (OWNER, READER, WRITER). The members can create and manage resources in the workspace. There are two types of resources:

  • controlled resources are cloud resources (e.g., buckets) whose attributes, permissions, and lifecycle are controlled by the Workspace Manager. Controlled resources are created and managed using Workspace Manager APIs.
  • referenced resources are cloud resources that are independent of the Workspace Manager. A workspace may hold a reference to such a resource. The Workspace Manager has no role in managing the resource’s lifecycle or attributes.

Resources have unique names within the workspace, allowing users of the workspace to locate and refer to them in a consistent way, whether they are controlled or referenced.

The resources in a workspace may reside on different clouds. Users may create one cloud context for each cloud platform where they have controlled or referenced resources.

Workspace Manager provides the minimum interface to allow it to control permissions and lifecycle of controlled resources. All other access, in particular data reading and writing, are done using the native cloud APIs.

Controlled resources may be shared or private. Shared resources are accessible to workspace members with their workspace role. That is, if you have READER on the workspace, then you can read the resource (however that is defined for the specific resource); if you have WRITER on the workspace, then you can write the resource.

Private resources are available to a single member of the workspace. At the present time, a private resource is available only to its creator.

WSM has latent support for applications. No applications exist at this time. The concept is that an application is a distinguished service accounts. Owners of the workspace can control which applications are allowed access to the workspace. If an application is given access, then it can create application-owned resources. The goal is to allow applications to create constellations of resources that support the application, and not let them be messed with by workspace READERS and WRITERS.

WSM Client

Workspace Manager publishes an API client library generated from its OpenAPI Spec v3 interface definition.

Usage (Gradle)

Include the Broad Artifactory repositories:

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://broadinstitute.jfrog.io/broadinstitute/libs-snapshot-local/"

Add a dependency like

implementation(group: 'bio.terra', name: 'workspace-manager-client', version: 'x.x.x')

See settings.gradle for the latest version information.

Build Structure

We use gradle as our build tool. The repository is organized as a composite build, with common build logic pulled into convention plugins. There are three mostly independent projects:

  • service - the Workspace Manager Service
  • client - the OpenAPI-generated client
  • integration - the TestRunner-based integration test project

The build structure is:

  + settings.gradle
  + build.gradle
  +-- buildSrc/src/main/groovy (convention plugins)
  |    |
  |    + terra-workspace-manager.java-conventions.gradle
  |    + terra-workspace-manager.library-conventions.gradle
  +-- service
  |    |
  |    + build.gradle (service build; test dependency on client)
  +–- client
  |    |
  |    + build.gradle
  +-- integration (formerly clienttest)
       + build.gradle (dependency on client)

This build, and others in MC Terra require access to the Broad Institute's Artifactory server. That is where supporting libraries are published and where we publish the WSM client


We use Gradle's dependency locking to ensure that builds use the same transitive dependencies, so they're reproducible. This means that adding or updating a dependency requires telling Gradle to save the change.

Each WSM project has separate dependency lock state. If you're getting errors that mention "dependency lock state" after changing a build file, you will need to one of these commands:

./gradlew :service:dependencies --write-locks
./gradlew :client:dependencies --write-locks
./gradlew :integration:dependencies --write-locks

Workspace Manager Service

The bulk of the code is in the service project. This section describes that projet.

Spring Boot

The service project uses Spring Boot as the framework for REST servers. The objective is to use a minimal set of Spring features; there are many ways to do the same thing and we would like to constrain ourselves to a common set of techniques.


We only use YAML configuration. We never use XML or .properties files.

In general, we use type-safe configuration parameters as shown here: Type-safe Configuration Properties. That allows proper typing of parameters read from property files or environment variables. Parameters are then accessed with normal accessor methods. You should never need to use an @Value annotation.

Be aware that environment variables will override values in our YAML configuration. This should not be used for configuration as it makes the source of values harder to track, but it may be useful for debugging unexpected configurations. See Spring Boot's Externalized Configuration documentation for the exact priority order of configurations.


When the applications starts, Spring wires up the components based on the profiles in place. Setting different profiles allows different components to be included. This technique is used as the way to choose the cloud platform (Google, Azure, AWS) code to include.

We use the Spring idiom of the postSetupInitialization, found in ApplicationConfiguration.java, to perform initialization of the application between the point of having the entire application initialized and the point of opening the port to start accepting REST requests.

Annotating Singletons

The typical pattern when using Spring is to make singleton classes for each service, controller, and DAO. You do not have to write the class with its own singleton support. Instead, annotate the class with the appropriate Spring annotation. Here are ones we use:

  • @Component Regular singleton class, like a service.
  • @Repository DAO component
  • @Controller REST Controller
  • @Configuration Definition of properties

Common Annotations

There are other annotations that are handy to know about.

Use @Nullable to mark method interface and return parameters that can be null.


Spring wires up the singletons and other beans when the application is launched. That allows us to use Spring profiles to control the collection of code that is run for different environments. Perhaps obviously, you can only autowire singletons to each other. You cannot autowire dynamically created objects.

There are two styles for declaring autowiring. The preferred method of autowiring, is to put the annotation on the constructor of the class. Spring will autowire all of the inputs to the constructor.

public class Foo {
    private final Bar bar;
    private Fribble fribble;

    public Foo(Bar bar, Fribble fribble) {
        this.bar = bar;
        this.foo = foo;

Spring will pass in the instances of Bar and Fribble into the constructor. It is possible to autowire a specific class member, but that is rarely necessary:

public class Foo {
    private Bar bar;
REST Annotations
  • @RequestBody Marks the controller input parameter receiving the body of the request
  • @PathVariable("x") Marks the controller input parameter receiving the parameter x
  • @RequestParam("y") Marks the controller input parameter receiving the query parametery
JSON Annotations

We use the Jackson JSON library for serializing objects to and from JSON. Most of the time, you don't need to use JSON annotations. It is sufficient to provide setter/getter methods for class members and let Jackson figure things out with interospection. There are cases where it needs help and you have to be specific.

The common JSON annotations are:

  • @JsonValue Marks a class member as data that should be (de)serialized to(from) JSON. You can specify a name as a parameter to specify the JSON name for the member.
  • @JsonIgnore Marks a class member that should not be (de)serialized
  • @JsonCreator Marks a constructor to be used to create an object from JSON.

For more details see Jackson JSON Documentation

Service Code Structure

This section explains the code structure of the template. Here is the directory structure:

  • app/ For the top of the application, including Main and the StartupInitializer
  • app/configuration/ For all of the bean and property definitions
  • app/controller/ For the REST controllers. The controllers typically do very little. They invoke a service to do the work and package the service output into the response. The controller package also defines the global exception handling.
  • common/ For common models, exceptions, and utilities. shared by more than one service.
  • common/exception/ A set of common abstract base classes that support the ErrorReport REST API return structure live in the Terra Common Library . All WSM exceptions derive from those. Exceptions common across services live here.
  • service/ Each service gets a package within. We handle cloud-platform specializations within each service.
  • service/buffer/ Thin interface to access the Resource Buffer Service for allocating GCP projects: the cloud context for Google cloud.
  • service/crl/ Thin interface to access the Terra Cloud Resource Library used for allocating cloud resources.
  • service/datarepo Thin interface to access the Terra Data Repository for making referenced resources pointing to TDR snapshots.
  • service/iam Methods for accessing Sam for authorization definition and checking. This service provides retries and specific methods for the WSM operations on Sam.
  • service/job Methods for launching Stairway flights, waiting on completion, and getting flight results
  • service/resource One of the main services in WSM. Manages controlled and referenced resources.
  • service/spendprofile Temporary methods to use fake spend profiles. Eventually, it will become a thin layer accessing the Spend Profile Manager when that arrives.
  • service/stage Feature locking service
  • service/status Implementation of the /status endpoint
  • service/workspace The other main service in WSM. Manages CRUD for workspaces and cloud contexts.
  • resources/ Properties definitions, database schema definitions, and the REST API definition

Service Test Structure

There are three groups of tests.

Unit Tests

The unit tests are written using JUnit. The implementations are in src/test/java/bio/terra/workspace/. Unit tests derive from common/BaseUnitTest.java. Some unit tests depend on the availability of a running Postgresql server.

Connected Tests

The connected tests are also written using JUnit. The implementations are mixed in with the unit tests in src/test/java/bio/terra/workspace/. Connected tests derive from common/BaseConnectedTest.java. Connected tests depend on the availability of a running Postgresql server. They also rely on a populated "config" directory containing service accounts and keys that allows the tests to use dependent services such as Sam, Buffer, and TDR. The config collecting process relies on secrets maintained in Vault in the Broad Institute environment.

Integration Tests

Integration testing is done using Test Runner. The integration tests live in the integration project. Consult the integration README for more details.

In the early days of the project, there were JUnit-based integration tests. We are in process of migrating them to Test Runner.