- 0
Use calculated counts of component instead of max_count if there is no factory with spine comp.
#98 opened by AGulev - 5
Clipping is not working
#186 opened by zitzitz - 9
Spine crash in the project
#184 opened by osov - 3
- 0
Small memory leaks
#137 opened by AGulev - 2
- 0
- 2
Property 'material' not found!
#141 opened by serj1024 - 5
Any plan to support spine 4.2 stable ?
#166 opened by arywindows - 2
CALL STACK in 3.2.0 after spine.set_attachment()
#175 opened by TinyDobbins - 1
spine.play_anim doesn't work in version 3.2.0
#176 opened by sergeysinyavsky - 0
Cursor doesn't work on Mac OS
#171 opened by sergeysinyavsky - 5
- 2
Masks From Spine to defold
#120 opened by zarkua - 0
go.PLAYBACK_NONE doesn't stop the animation
#170 opened by sergeysinyavsky - 0
Blending Modes are not syncing
#125 opened by zarkua - 1
Spine model twitching when using go.animate
#156 opened by mozok - 5
Build error with Defold 1.7+ release
#161 opened by zimbric - 1
- 1
Default animation error and render error
#152 opened by bedryck - 3
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: Unknown java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: editor.spineext$eval2862$fn__2863
#158 opened by pkosmovskaya-ms - 3
- 1
The Runner tutorial dependency has changed in the project, but the documentation still references the old version
#153 opened by PaulPorthouse - 1
- 0
Gui BoxVertex size change in Defold 1.6.1
#148 opened by JCash - 0
Calling of the spinelib in the Editor
#145 opened by AGulev - 0
Sometimes Editor crashes because of the spine extension
#143 opened by AGulev - 2
Error after adding spine extension to project
#142 opened by fuderty - 5
Can I change Spine Runtime Version to 3.8.75?
#135 opened by eldon922 - 0
The render constants aren't updated corrently
#138 opened by JCash - 14
- 2
Editor error when opening .spinejson
#133 opened by Morgerion - 3
- 4
Update runtime to Spine 4.1
#88 opened by britzl - 1
- 0
Spine sequence is not playing
#117 opened by zarkua - 0
API docs is not available
#128 opened by Dragosha - 1
Online Documentation appears incorrectly linked
#126 opened by wookieejedi - 1
Changing the draw order
#127 opened by AGulev - 2
gui API for Spine
#89 opened by Dragosha - 0
Difficult to use subfolders
#118 opened by zarkua - 2
Unable to Load Plugin (Editor Plugin)
#115 opened by ProtonGustave - 0
- 5
- 6
Build crash with latest changes
#108 opened by bedryck - 0
- 0
- 2
Crash since the game object buffer is full when spine.get_go() or creating new spine object
#95 opened by Dragosha - 1
- 0
Error in after cloning gui spine node without animation: ERROR:SPINEEXT: No animation '' found`
#86 opened by AGulev