ROS package to control Delta-Robot One (one-easy-protocol bridge)
This package is part of the visy ROS workspace:
- visy_sorting_app_pkg
- visy_detector_pkg
- visy_user_interface_pkg
- one_easy_protocol_pkg
- visy_neopixel_pkg
- raspicam_node
ROS node provides services to control Delta-Robot One using one-easy-protocol
Connect robot. This service uses find_robot() function of one-easy-protocol to scan all ports for a connected robot. If a robot is available it will be connected. Make shur that the robot is enabled and in Remote->Serial USB mode.
Disconnect robot.
Enable or disable robot external motor control via enable and choose velocity via speed (0-255).
Enable or disable robot gripper via enable argument.
Enable robot leds with given colours RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE for light and choose intensity (0-255). Disable via light -> OFF.
Move robot to position x,y,z (mm) with velocity v (0-100%).