Qt based user interface for vision system (visy) display on backside. Controls apps and shows live and manipulated images.
This package is part of the visy ROS workspace:
- visy_sorting_app_pkg
- visy_detector_pkg
- visy_user_interface_pkg
- one_easy_protocol_pkg
- visy_neopixel_pkg
- raspicam_node
Ros node connects ROS communication mechanisms via qt signals/slots. Implemented as seperate thread to support a non blocking user interface.
Client to start sorting application for metal chips including Delta-Robot One, conveyor system and vision system.
Client to stop sorting application.
Client to change image at processing state via buttons on user interface to select displayed image processing state.
Subscribe image at the end of a detection loop published by conveyor detector or metal chip detetctor.
Subscribe grasp data including the time until grasp, colour of chip, number of detetcted chips, latency, velocity, last chip position, etc.