Horizon Robotics Inc.
- asw: Upper layer SW components, includes application, can, common, control, hmi, monitor.
- boot: Mcu startup and link file.
- bsw: Lower layer SW components, includes Autosar OS, rte, com, iohal, mem, sys, cdd and other non-Autosar components.
- docs: Documents description for SW architecture, modules, testing, example templates.
- mcal: Micro controller abstract layer, provided by third-party Mcu supplier.
- tools: Compiling scripts, debugging workspace, testing tools.
- utils: Utilities for common usage, math functions, lookup table, etc.
Now it is just the folder structure for MCU workspace. Final project files will be defined due to compiler and autosar toolchain. ASW developers could firstly use templates in ''/docs'' folder for source writing and file management.