Horizon Robotics Inc.

** MCU WORKSPACE for Horizon AD **

** Sturcture **

  • asw: Upper layer SW components, includes application, can, common, control, hmi, monitor.
  • boot: Mcu startup and link file.
  • bsw: Lower layer SW components, includes Autosar OS, rte, com, iohal, mem, sys, cdd and other non-Autosar components.
  • docs: Documents description for SW architecture, modules, testing, example templates.
  • mcal: Micro controller abstract layer, provided by third-party Mcu supplier.
  • tools: Compiling scripts, debugging workspace, testing tools.
  • utils: Utilities for common usage, math functions, lookup table, etc.

How to use:

Now it is just the folder structure for MCU workspace. Final project files will be defined due to compiler and autosar toolchain. ASW developers could firstly use templates in ''/docs'' folder for source writing and file management.