
This project involved the analysis of the ArXiv citation network.

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Project ArXiv Citation Network


This project involved the analysis of the ArXiv citation network.


The complete code of this project is in this repository, in the file: arxiv-citation-network.ipynb.

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The data was extracted from: https://github.com/mattbierbaum/arxiv-public-datasets/releases/tag/v0.2.0. More exactly, we'll use the file "internal-references-v0.2.0-2019-03-01.json.gz", which contains the list of papers and their references, all papers using their arXiv IDs.


Citation Network using NetworkX


In-degree and Out-degree analysis

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Table of Centralities

The most important centrality is PageRank, because this measure uncovers nodes whose influence extends beyond their direct connections into the wider network.


Top 10 influencial papers in arXiv based on PageRank Centrality

Top 1 , Id arXiv: 1705.11098 , Centrality: 0.0024
Title: Modified Gravity Theories on a Nutshell: Inflation, Bounce and Late-time Evolution

Top 2 , Id arXiv: 1812.00847 , Centrality: 0.0023
Title: Rescuing Quartic and Natural Inflation in the Palatini Formalism

Top 3 , Id arXiv: 1811.09514 , Centrality: 0.002
Title: Higgs inflation in the Palatini formulation with kinetic terms for the metric

Top 4 , Id arXiv: 1501.05671 , Centrality: 0.002
Title: Resurgence and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili Limit: Connecting Weak and Strong Coupling in the ...

Top 5 , Id arXiv: 1607.01001 , Centrality: 0.0019
Title: Dark Matter from a Classically Scale-Invariant SU(3) X

Top 6 , Id arXiv: 0710.4947 , Centrality: 0.0018
Title: Physics at a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility

Top 7 , Id arXiv: 1812.11159 , Centrality: 0.0018
Title: Spatially modulated and supersymmetric deformations of ABJM theory

Top 8 , Id arXiv: 1802.10257 , Centrality: 0.0016
Title: The correlation of extragalactic $\gamma$-rays with cosmic matter density distributions from ...

Top 9 , Id arXiv: 1502.02866 , Centrality: 0.0016
Title: The nature of the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background

Top 10 , Id arXiv: 1901.11298 , Centrality: 0.0016
Title: Non Unitarity at DUNE and T2HK with Charged and Neutral Current Measurements

Field Category Network using NetworkX


Field Category Network using Cytoscape



  • Clement, C. B., Bierbaum, M., O’Keeffe, K. P., & Alemi, A. A. (2019). On the Use of ArXiv as a Dataset. arXiv [cs.IR]. Opgehaal van http://arxiv.org/abs/1905.00075

  • Clauset, A., Shalizi, C. R., & Newman, M. E. J. (2009). Power-Law Distributions in Empirical Data. SIAM Review, 51(4), 661–703. doi:10.1137/070710111

  • Page, L., Brin, S., Motwani, R., & Winograd, T. (1998). The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web.