
Learn to code in R from just your laptop and wifi with QNNDukeNguyen

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Learn to code in R from just your laptop and wifi with QNNDukeNguyen

Hi there,

I am a current PhD student at Oxford.

My background is in experimental (web lab) immunology, but for my PhD, I had the opportunity to learn R to analyze my research data.

Learning how to code from scratch can seem daunting, especially if we do not have background in coding/computer science. That is why I created this series of short videos to share with you guys how I exactly got started.

The videos will not go into the theories etc, but instead we will jump right in the codes with real experimental datasets.

Each week we will learn a practical aspect of how to use R to analyse and visualise biological data, such as RNA sequences.

We will learn how to code as we encounter issues and problems.

All you need is your laptop and Wifi!

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/QNNDukeNguyen) to access the videos!

Hope it help you get started with coding in R!


Best, Quang