
Hacking With The Homies Developer Conference 2021 Slides and Code

Hacking With The Homies Developer Conference 2021 Central Repository

This is the central location for all slides and code that's being presented at the conference. We have also provided links to some reference information.

Slides and Code

Day 1: Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Topic Speaker Slides Repository
Opening Session (12pm-1pm) Kelsey Hightower
Deploying your app to the Cloud (1pm-2pm) Tameika Reed View View
Automating Deployments using DevOp's (2pm-3pm) Tracy P. Holmes View View
Deploying to the Cloud without the Baggage (3pm-4pm) Ivan Herndon View View
Programmable Communications in the Cloud without Twilio (4pm-5pm) Pedro Sanders View View

Day 2: Thursday, February 25, 2021

Topic Speaker Slides Repository
Contain Yourself: Containers & Serverless (12pm - 1pm) Mack Hendricks & Shelton Graves View View
WebAuthn: Hands on with Duo (1pm - 2pm) Jake Payton, Matthew Miller, Jeremy Erickson (Duo Security) View View
Advanced Security in B2C Solutions (2pm - 3pm) Andrew Cameron View View
Managing Secrets across Multiple Clouds (3pm - 4pm) Eric Jones View View
Keeping Your Deployment Pipeline Secure: Zero Trust in the Cloud (4pm - 5pm) Xavier D. Johnson View View
