
Primary LanguageC++

Installing dependencies

  • CMake 3.9.0 or higher. Note that Ubuntu 17.04 comes with CMake 3.7, therefore you may need to install latest CMake manually from https://cmake.org/download/
  • Boost sudo apt install libboost-dev.
  • Eigen3 3.3.3 or higher. Ubuntu 17.04 comes with Eigen3 3.3.2-1, therefore an up-to-date Eigen3 must be downloaded from http://eigen.tuxfamily.org and installed so that CMake can find it.
  • Blaze 3.3 or higher https://bitbucket.org/blaze-lib/blaze.
  • BLASFEO https://github.com/giaf/blasfeo (optional, only if one of TMPC_WITH_HPMPC, TMPC_WITH_HPIPM is selected). Select a proper target architecture by setting the TARGET variable in Makefile.rule or in CMake. Build and install as usual. The build system searches for BLASFEO in /opt/blasfeo by default.
  • HPMPC https://github.com/giaf/hpmpc (optional, only if TMPC_WITH_HPMPC is selected). Build and install from sources. Make sure that in Makefile.rule USE_BLASFEO is set to 1 and BLASFEO_PATH is set to the correct path to BLASFEO installed on previous step. I experienced HPMPC crashing or giving incorrect results if built without BLASFEO. The build system searches for HMPMC in /opt/hpmpc by default.
  • HPIPM https://github.com/giaf/hpipm (optional, only if TMPC_WITH_HPMPC is selected). Build and install from sources. Make sure that in Makefile.rule BLASFEO_PATH is set to the correct path to BLASFEO. The build system searches for HMIPM in /opt/hpipm by default.
  • qpOASES https://projects.coin-or.org/qpOASES (optional, only if TMPC_WITH_qpOASES is selected). Build and install as usual.
  • CasADi 3.2.0 or higher https://github.com/casadi/casadi/wiki/InstallationInstructions (optional, only if TMPC_WITH_CASADI is selected). Python bindings for CasADi must be installed. It is recommended to use Python3 CasADi bindings; I didn't test the latest code with Python2. To build Python3 CasADi bindings, specify -DWITH_PYTHON3=ON in cmake command line when configuring CasADi.
  • Google Test https://github.com/google/googletest must be installed and findable by the CMake build system (optional, only if TMPC_WITH_TEST is selected).
  • Google Benchmark https://github.com/google/benchmark must be installed and findable by the CMake build system (optional, only if TMPC_WITH_BENCHMARK is selected).
  • JSON for Modern C++. Build and install from sources https://github.com/nlohmann/json (optional, only if TMPC_WITH_JSON is selected).


  1. Install the dependencies.

  2. Assuming that you are in the tmpc source root, do

    mkdir build && cd build
  3. Run CMake

  1. Build
make -j 10
  1. Run tests