
A demonstration of how to use CMakeLists to create a package that can be imported into other projects

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT

Cmake Libraries

This repo contains an example of how to create libraries using CMake and export them for use in other projects.

Docker Setup

git clone ...
docker compose build
docker compose up 

Build myLib

From inside the docker

cd /root/src/myLib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

This will build and install the library to /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib. It will also copy the myLibConfig.cmake file to /usr/local/share/myLib, which allows the package to be found.

You can also run the test/demo.cpp file:


Using myLib in another project

Complete example is in src/unrelated_project.

The key difference is that in the CMakeLists.txt you need to add the following:

find_package(myLIB REQUIRED)


target_link_libraries(<target> ${MYLIB_DIRS})
target_include_directories(<target> PRIVATE ${MYLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS})

When doing find_package cmake will (by default) look for .cmake files in /usr/local/share. It will find the file we created. This file will be run, and it will create the variables MYLIB_DIRS (which points to /usr/local/lib/libmyLib.so) and MYLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS (which points to /usr/local/include/myLib.hpp).

This allows the package to be built correctly.

Finally, just build the main.cpp:

cd /root/unrelated_project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

and run it:
