
This webiste generated using a modified version of jemdoc+MathJax http://www.mit.edu/~wsshin/jemdoc+mathjax.html.

Some more documentation: https://dev10110.github.io/jemdocMathJaxMaterialize.html

Live Demo




  1. Write src/.jemdoc files (refer to jemdoc documentation). Assets should be saved in the src/assets/ folder

  2. Update src/MENU

Local Testing:

  1. Activate a python 3 environment (python 2 should also work, but is untested)
conda create --name website python=3.8
conda activate webste
  1. Run the make commands (from the root folder)
make clean      # optional, to completely delete the html folder

make            # or
make build      # to build to website

  1. Open html/index.html in a browser



requires the python env

This will run make clean & make, and commit the files to the gh-pages branch.


The make and deploy files are pretty short. Read through them to see what you can you change.

Link checking

Link checking is performed using PyLinkValidator

Checking locally:

make serve    # Serve the html folder (ensure you have a python3 environment running), run the following from the root folder:
make check    # In a second terminal window, (with python3 environment and pylinkvalidate installed)

Which will print details on which links are broken

To check a live running website, simply run

pylinkvalidate.py --progress -o example.com

-O checks external websites too.

Details about pylinkvalidator: https://github.com/bartdag/pylinkvalidator


Search is performed using lunr, https://lunrjs.com

The implementation is lifted from https://github.com/BLE-LTER/Lunr-Index-and-Search-for-Static-Sites

Essentially, from the root folder

node install lunr
node install cheerio

The list of files that make search possible are:

build_index.js    # builds the search index
lunr_client.js    # for rendering the front end
lunr_index.js     # the search index json file
search.jemdoc     # compiled to html to render the search functionality

Check settings in build_index.js. Currently it indexes all html files, and the body content is the set of content in the div with id mainContentArea


To make the search index, run (after the html files have been produced)

make search

from the root folder.


As per the original creators,

The focus of the implementation of the additional features was to "make them just work," so the implementation is suboptimal, both in terms of performance and style.

Still, several users and I find jemdoc+MathJax is quite stable and does the job correctly :-)

Wonseok Shin