
Personal Dotfile and config manager.

Primary LanguageShell

Personal Dotfile and config manager.

Awsm Fish: https://github.com/jorgebucaran/awsm.fish Fisher: https://github.com/jorgebucaran/fisher GitNow, Z, Done

Install conda before setup

. setup.sh && . ~/.bashrc

Open tmux and press <prefix> + I to install all the plugins.



Design points:

  • Make small code blocks/functions to run the setup, cleanup and after tasks.
  • Add commands like pane.activate_conda("pose")
  • Funtions for messaging. i.e. Slack
  • Run configs: Setup, Clean, run-1, run-2, test (like make)


https://earthly.dev/blog/command-line-tools/ https://switowski.com/blog/favorite-cli-tools#z