
Generic list of anything awesome built in Nepal / by Nepali

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Generic list of anything awesome built in Nepal/by Nepali 🇳🇵



  • chin - chin aka spin is shows a spinner as user waits for any long running jobs to finish.
  • fast - Golang util to check your internet speed/bandwidth right from your terminal.
  • forex - A cli tool to check the foreign exchange rates against Nepal's currency using Nepal Rastra Bank's api.
  • gronx - A fast Cron expression parser (due checker, next/prev due date finder), task runner, job scheduler and/or daemon for Golang and standalone usage.
  • TRASA - Secure remote access to Web, SSH, RDP and Database services.
  • jira-cli - Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line



  • cli - PHP Console Application made easy- build great console apps with ease, fun and love.
  • jwt - Ultra lightweight and dependency free JSON web token (JWT) library for PHP5.6 to PHP8.2.
  • NPChan - Nepal's first anonymous discussion board.
  • Phalcon-Ext - Useful phalcon adapters, middlewares, extensions and utilities!
  • TusPHP - Resumable file upload in PHP using tus resumable upload protocol.



  • Hulaki A CLI tool to search contact details from your CSV file imported from your mobile phones and sending easy SMSes and Emails with single command. Gateways like Nexmo, Twilio are supported and SparrowSMS in pipeline. You can even ask Hulaki to copy phone-number to Clipboard.
  • Xtractor is a ruby gem that was developed as a need to the problem of inserting data from an excelsheet image to excel.And it does the same as described.
  • Nepali Date Converter - ruby gem to convert A.D (English Date) to Nepali Date (B.S) and vice versa


WordPress Plugins




Our list of awesome Nepali blogs is here.


Please refer CONTRIBUTING document for more information.