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Monero Node for Umbrel

Run a Monero node on your Umbrel personal server. An unofficial app by @deverickapollo and @CryptoGrampy
monero.org »


  • For local testing, you need to set the JSON_STORE_FILE and MONERO_CONF_FILE location in const.js or as an environment variable. For const.js, you can use the following:
    • Replace:
      • JSON_STORE_FILE: process.env.JSON_STORE_FILE || "/data/monero-config.json",
      • MONERO_CONF_FILEPATH: process.env.MONERO_CONF_FILE || "/monero/.monero/bitmonero.conf",
    • with:
      • JSON_STORE_FILE: process.env.JSON_STORE_FILE || "./data/monero-config.json",
      • MONERO_CONF_FILEPATH: process.env.MONERO_CONF_FILE || "./monero/.monero/bitmonero.conf",
    • then run:
      • MONERO_HOST=your-monerod-ip MONEROD_RPC_PORT=18081 npm run start:all:dev
      • MONERO_HOST= MONEROD_RPC_PORT=18081 npm run start:all:dev


  • npm run start


To build:

  • docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -f ./Dockerfile --tag umbrel-monero/monero-frontend:v1.0.0 --load .
  • docker-compose up

Getting started

This app can be installed in one click via the Umbrel Community App Store.

Copying blockchain from another node

  1. SSH into Umbrel node and input password : ssh umbrel@umbrel.local
  2. Stop Monero app: sudo /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/app stop meganero-monero
  3. Archive/Delete contents of /home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/meganero-monero/data/monero/lmdb, i.e.: rm data.mdb lock.mdb
  4. From device with copy of Monero blockchain, go to the data directory for the monero chain then copy the contents to the lmdb directory: scp -r . umbrel@umbrel.local:/home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/meganero-monero/data/monero/lmdb
  5. Once you're done moving files over, start up the app again sudo /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/app start meganero-monero


  1. sudo ./scripts/app stop meganero-monero
  2. sudo docker container prune
  3. docker images
  4. Remove Specific Docker Image:
    1. To remove a specific image, you can use: docker rmi [IMAGE ID or REPOSITORY:TAG] For instance, if the image ID is abcd1234, you can remove it using: docker rmi abcd1234 Or if the image's repository and tag are my_image:latest, you can remove it using: docker rmi my_image:latest
  5. Remove All Docker Images:
    1. sudo docker image prune -a
  6. sudo docker pull deverickapollo/umbrel-monero:dev-refactor-settings
  7. sudo ./scripts/app start meganero-monero


We welcome and appreciate new contributions! Open a PR and I'll be sure to review it asap. For an bugs/feature requests, open an issue and I'll review it as my time allows.


This app is built upon the work done by Casa on its open source API and Umbrel umbrel.com.

