- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#57 opened by renovate - 0
Issues connecting Monero GUI to Monero Node
#129 opened by Costrich - 0
- 0
- 0
bootstrap-vue-2.23.1.tgz: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 6.4)
#130 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 1
Exception in main error - failed to init p2p server
#127 opened by aymxdd - 1
Monero is forbidden in my country... how do I force Monero node or Umbrel to go ONLY through Tor ?
#126 opened by chocolatebarantlion - 4
Request to add a password reset feature
#122 opened by deverickapollo - 0
- 0
body-parser-1.20.2.tgz: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 7.5)
#123 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 0
monero-javascript-0.7.12.tgz: 3 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 9.1)
#91 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 3
winston-3.11.0.tgz: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 6.5) - autoclosed
#119 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 0
Unique password for restricted rpc
#121 opened by deverickapollo - 0
Incoming connections fails
#118 opened by deverickapollo - 1
Option for ZMQ
#111 opened by markisoke - 1
Community App store
#112 opened by physics515 - 4
Monero Node stuck starting
#85 opened by glgamsh - 2
Unable to allow incoming connections
#84 opened by MerQel - 1
- 1
vue-2.7.14.tgz: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 5.3) - autoclosed
#92 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 1
monero-javascript-0.7.8.tgz: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 6.1) - autoclosed
#55 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 0
- 2
App wont install on x86 Umbrel
#75 opened by examare