
Add non-intrusive debugging capabilities for RxJS applications to Visual Studio Code.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Archie the Debugger Owl RxJS Debugging for Visual Studio Code

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Never, ever use tap(console.log) again.

Add non-intrusive debugging capabilities for RxJS applications to Visual Studio Code.

Operator Log Points with RxJS Debugging for Visual Studio Code


  • RxJS debugging, fully integrated with Visual Studio Code
  • Works with RxJS 6.6.7 and newer
  • Support for Node.js and Webpack-based RxJS applications



Operator Log Points

Operator log points make manually added console.log statements a thing of the past: RxJS Debugger detects operators automatically and recommends a log point. Hover the mouse cursor on the operator to add or remove a log point to the respective operator:

Manage Operator Log Points

Once you launch your application with the JavaScript debugger built-in to Visual Studio Code, enabled log points display events of interest inline in the editor:

  • Subscribe
  • Emitted values (next, error, complete)
  • Unsubscribe

Live Operator Log Points

By default, RxJS Debugger clears logged events from the editor after you stop the JavaScript debugger. You can customize this behavior in the settings.

Finally, you can toggle gutter indicators for recommended log points via the command palette:

Toggle Display of Log Point Recommendations

Roadmap & Future Development

Refer to the milestones overview for planned, future iterations. The issue list provides an overview on all open development topics.


"RxJS Debugging for Visual Studio Code" welcomes any type of contribution! ❤️ Have a look at CONTRIBUTING.md for further details.


Jump right in and explore, how "RxJS Debugging for Visual Studio Code" can improve your RxJS debugging workflow:


Analytics Data

The "RxJS Debugging for Visual Studio Code" extension collects usage analytics data from users who opt-in. See ANALYTICS.md for more information on what data is collected and why.


This extension is based on research by Manuel Alabor. See RESEARCH.md for more information.