
This a multiplayer game designed by Finite State Machine architecture with the help of ROS NOETIC package. however this game is flawed in the sense that Player A always wins. This was originally a KRSSG task and problem statement has been provided in the repo.

Primary LanguagePython


Design multiplayer game architecture using ROS communication where each player has three components (monsters) and attacks each other through two modes 1 and 2. Here you will find three files one for the server, and two for clients A and B respectively.


Linux (Distro: Ubuntu)


  • rospy from ROS Noetic


  • Run the roscore
  • First run the server node.
  • Next open clients A and B in any order you would like. Player A will get chance to input their moves first and then Player B.
  • This way the game will go on alternatively until winner is found. Most important precaution while running the game is that when using move 2 you should follow the exact format "2 opponent_monster_name". Here the opponent’s name is case sensitive and the program will malfunction if you give any wrong inputs as error handling is yet to be done.

For any other discrepancies, please hit me up on my email