- 1
- 4
Multi-dimensional Output data?
#220 opened by RKHashmani - 6
Quasisep Benchmark
#221 opened by ywx649999311 - 3
Multiple Outputs
#216 opened by chrisflesher - 2
tinygp and emcee
#206 opened by pilchat - 2
multivariate GP and constant kernel
#192 opened by pilchat - 4
Cache entry not being written for quasisep kernels
#189 opened by nevencaplar - 1
Support for Numpyro Discrete Enumeration
#195 opened by LSZ2001 - 3
Cannot set attribute in custom kernel - tinygp0.3.0
#204 opened by nicmsri - 1
CARMA Kernel
#89 opened by ywx649999311 - 6
- 1
- 0
Fix transforms tutorial
#179 opened by dfm - 0
Update RTDs configuration syntax
#180 opened by dfm - 2
- 3
Difference in definition between quasisep and stationary kernels; amplitude in one but not another
#176 opened by nevencaplar - 2
Help on implementing White noise kernel
#177 opened by Cyberface - 2
Sampling from a conditioned GP sometimes returns nans if the kernel argument of .condition() is not None
#175 opened by zairving - 0
Marginalization example - uncertainty
#169 opened by andrewfowlie - 5
Predicting on new test inputs after conditioning
#163 opened by jameskermode - 2
Semiparametric mean function
#160 opened by scroobiustrip - 11
Value of constant kernel must be scalar
#140 opened by femtomc - 6
Updated contributor information needed
#152 opened by dfm - 1
Conditional sampling with vmap
#157 opened by ipashchenko - 8
Memory leak
#156 opened by zwei-beiner - 6
- 4
- 2
Spectral Mixture Kernel in tutorial
#142 opened by zwei-beiner - 6
Leaked tracer when wrapping `tinygp`
#139 opened by femtomc - 1
Custom PPL support should be external to `tinygp`?
#141 opened by femtomc - 1
Tests do not pass on Apple M1 running python 3
#138 opened by mathDR - 0
DotProduct kernel doesn't support scalar inputs
#111 opened by dfm - 0
Handle unsorted inputs to `QuasisepSolver`
#109 opened by dfm - 5
- 0
The L1Distance is often numerically unstable
#122 opened by dfm - 5
Memory Leak with gp.sample() if part of an imported function sampled by emcee
#103 opened by gmduvvuri - 0
- 0
- 0
FutureWarning for deprecated JAX function
#110 opened by dfm - 0
- 1
Padding GP efficiently
#106 opened by andrewfowlie - 3
- 0
- 4
Discrepancy in returned log_likelihood between the **Celerite** kernel and the **ComplexTerm** from `celerite`
#87 opened by ywx649999311 - 3
- 1
- 3
Dynamic kernel combinations
#79 opened by patel-zeel - 3
Issue on page /tutorials/means.html
#78 opened by cranmer - 5
- 4
#73 opened by benjaminpope