
Black window on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

papyDoctor opened this issue · 4 comments

Binary package or full compiled application shows briefly the SHADERed logo and then it remains a black window at startup.
No controls or widgets shown.

Same problem here.
But you can use SHADERed catharsis mode, works fine:

flatpak also runs, but for some reason the flatpak version is not saving system variables, so I had to build it in docker.

Variables are still not being saved. I don't know why...
Same in the online/lite version... is this an expected behavior? Or am I doing something wrong?

My error. :P It is because if declared variables are not used they are automatically pruned. In options there is a way of disabling this, or you just declare them as uniform in the code.
So there is nothing wrong with the flatpak version, you can use it, or just use the docker version.

Same problem here. The current version of SHADERed has a hard dependency on libGLEW.so.2.1 and Ubuntu 22.04 comes with 2.2. I downloaded 2.1 to the SHADERed folder and used that to run the program.

It would be nice if, if possible with libGLEW versioning, it just used any version 2.x.