
Web version: "Please provide a project file" error

vchizhov opened this issue · 0 comments

Whenever I try to translate a somewhat large project to the web version, when I try to upload it, it tells me "Please provide a project file". I can download it just fine, but it has issues uploading it. I tried deleting some of the shader passes and then it somehow managed to upload it (but it wasn't working without the shader passes). I am not sure what causes it. I am adding the project just in case.


It opens just fine in the standalone version, and also works fine when I manually create it in the web/lite version. However it refuses to get uploaded to my web account with the above error message.

On a side note: maybe I am missing something, but I cannot find a way to directly open a project in the web version that I have downloaded. Is this feasible in the first place?