
Post your themes here

dfranx opened this issue ยท 11 comments

I would like to change SHADERed's default theme and even add or replace some themes that the program comes with.

Post your themes, suggestions & screenshots here.

EDIT: please open a new issue for bugs and questions related to the themes!

I think changing the default theme to Gray and tweaking the default font would look significantly better already ๐Ÿ™‚

The screenshot below was taken using the Gray theme and Noto Sans Regular at size 18:


Where can i install themes when using Flatpak?

@Hedronmx I'm not sure if SHADERed supports installing additional themes in the first place.

@Calinou It does support installing additional themes. All the themes in the theme directory are 'additional' themes - they are automatically detected and shown in the Options -> General -> Themes (if that's what you've meant at least)

@dfranx Ok, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Does SHADERed attempt to load themes from the user data directory? This way, @Hedronmx could put theme files in $HOME/.var/app/org.shadered.SHADERed/data and SHADERed will detect them. (In non-Flatpak scenarios, this would be $HOME/.local/share/shadered.)

I tried putting my theme in $HOME/.var/app/org.shadered.SHADERed/data but the app never shows it... Am I doing something wrong?

@Hedronmx It's probably not implemented yet.

Ah, it doesn't attempt to load themes from the user data directory... Well, something that I'll try to add in v1.3.4.

Off topic: is there a way somehow to move these posts to another issue? Or should I delete them/leave them? Because this is a "Post your themes here" topic :/

@dfranx GitHub doesn't provide a way to move individual comments, but you can click the "โ€ฆ" icon next to a comment, choose Hide then specify Off-topic as the reason.

So, I just pushed a commit ( b4397f5 ) that makes SHADERed also look in the $HOME/.local/share/shadered directory - unfortunately not sure if this implementation will work for Flatpak too.
Anyway, I'll be hiding this convo tomorrow as it is off topic.

VSDark - A new theme available in the "store"