
Warning, camera component not initialized

Opened this issue · 10 comments

After using the following command:
roslaunch raspicam_node camera_module_v2_640x480_30fps.launch

I receive this warning:

[ WARN] [1512429175.673475645]: camera_component not initialized

Nothing else happens and I have to type cntrl c to cancel. I did enable the camera in the configure menu. This happens during step 3 of the git directions found here:


Does anyone know what I am missing?

ll7 commented

I have the same problem.


same here, did you guys use webcam? , for me i am using webcam instead

May I know how you solve your problem?

Unfortunately, i couldn't use this code, because i just used webcam

as far as i remember , i used another code to run webcamera ! and it had format to control options!

may I know which package that you used at the end?

Oops .. sorry actually i use raspberry Pi with SD card , but i left it at my school, it is not available. are you using webcam like me??

and i forgot the name of package, only if i search SD card , i can tell you

I using raspi official camera.