
A tool to write a Software Guidebook using wiki syntax, PlantUML, etc. and TiddlyWiki as GUI

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


What is this?

A tool that helps you to write your Software Guidebook (SGB) using wiki syntax, PlantUML, etc. and TiddlyWiki (TW) as GUI. An example of how to use this tool is here.

What is a Software Guide-Book?

It is a document describes the software architecture and high-level design of a system. In addition to that, the document contains maps, sight and itineraries, history and culture and practical information about the software; it describes what the code does not. And it is an alive and evolve document.

Understanding the SGB-TW tool


  1. Create a Python virtual environment.

    • Using Conda, for more information see this.
      $ conda create --name sgb python=3.7
    • Using venv, for more information see this.
      $ python3 -m sgb /path/to/new/virtual/environment
  2. Activate the virtual environment

  3. Install Python requirements by calling:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install Timini to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file from your web-browser.

Steps (1) and (2) are not mandatory but recomended, using virtual environments avoid mixing required packages of this application with your Python environment.

How to use

Activate the virtual environment. For example using conda:

$ conda activate sgb

Open TiddlyWiki HTML page in your web browse.

Start your daily work by opening TiddlyWiki HTML page in your web browse. After that synchronize TiddlyWiki with your tiddlers in the DB by executing:

$ git pull
$ python sgb-cli.py load_tiddlers

The sadac-cli command loads tiddlers from DB and add to TiddlyWiki file. Once this is done you have to reload the TiddlyWiki page in your web browser..

Once you whant to want to store the tiddlers in the DB, for doing that you have to execute:

$ python sgb-cli.py save_tiddlers
$ git push

In case that there is a conflict in git, you should load the tiddlers to the TiddlyWiki HTML file after solving it.