
A management strategy evaluation (MSE) framework for persistent estimation bias in stock assessment

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) for estimation bias


mse4bias is a management strategy evaluation (MSE) framework to evaluate management implications of persistent estimation bias in stock assessment and re-optimize harvest control rules (HCR), as described in Shaping sustainable harvest boundaries for marine populations despite estimation bias (Goto et al. 2022). The framework was originally developed (2018) using the Fisheries Library in R (FLR) mse package for North Sea saithe (Pollachius virens) in Subareas 4, 6 and Division 3.a (North Sea, Rockall and West of Scotland, Skagerrak and Kattegat) as part of the Workshop on North Sea stocks Management Strategy Evaluation (WKNSMSE).

This framework simulates population and harvest dynamics, surveys, assessments, and implementation of management strategies to explore trade-offs in achieving conservation-oriented (minimizing overexploitation risk) and harvest-oriented (maximizing yield) goals. The framework consists of submodels that simulate (1) true population and harvest dynamics at sea (operating model [OM]), from which observations through monitoring surveys and catch reporting (data generation) are made; and (2) management processes: assessments based on observations from the surveys and reported catch (using the State-space Assessment Model-SAM as estimation model (EM)) and subsequent decisionmaking (management procedure, MP) based on the harvest control rule set for saithe (ICES 2019).

(redrawn from https://github.com/ejardim; image credit: IAN Symbols, courtesy of the Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (ian.umces.edu/symbols/))


Install the following packages:

install.packages(c("foreach", "doParallel", "dplyr", "tidyr", "data.table")) 

devtools::install_github(repo = "flr/FLCore", ref = "d55bc6570c0134c6bea6c3fc44be20378691e042")
devtools::install_github(repo = "flr/FLash", ref = "7c47560cf57627068259404bb553f2b644682726")
devtools::install_github(repo = "flr/FLBRP", ref = "5644cfccefb0ec3965b1d028090bbf75b1e59da2")
devtools::install_github(repo = "flr/FLAssess", ref = "f1e5acb98c106bcdfdc81034f1583f76bb485514")
devtools::install_github(repo = "flr/ggplotFL", ref = "e9e0d74e872815c1df3f172522da35ade5c70638")
devtools::install_github(repo = "flr/mse", ref = "e39ddd75cdb2bb693601e31428404d48ea810308")

# This MSE uses SAM as an assessment model and requires the biomassindex branch of the stockassessment R package:
devtools::install_github("fishfollower/SAM/stockassessment", ref="biomassindex")

# To use State-space Assessment Model (SAM) within FLR, the following R package is required:
devtools::install_github("shfischer/FLfse/FLfse", ref = "c561f5bf28cbad0f711ef53a49bde7e9868dc257")

Core scripts to run simulations

OM.R creates the baseline operating model (OM)
flr_mse_WKNSMSE_funs.R contains a collection of functions and methods used for creating the OM and for running the MSE
run_mse.R is for specifying and running MSE scenarios (HCR parameters, TAC contraint, and banking & borrowing, see pp. 2-5 in ICES 2019 for details) and is also called from a job submission script to run on a high-performance computing cluster

In run_mse.R;

### set HCR option: A, B, C
if (exists("HCRoption")) {
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.hcr@args$option <- switch(HCRoption, 
                                               "1" = "A", 
                                               "2" = "B", 
                                               "3" = "C",
                                               "4" = "A",
                                               "5" = "B",
                                               "6" = "C",
                                               "7" = "A")
  cat(paste0("\nSetting custom HCR option: HCRoption = ", HCRoption, 
             " => HCR ", input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.hcr@args$option, "\n\n"))
} else {
  cat(paste0("\nUsing default HCR option: HCR ", 
             input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.hcr@args$option, "\n\n"))
  HCRoption <- 0

### After combinations run  -- this section is turned on without running the above grid
### Btrigger and Ftrgt numbers must be updated with any changes 
if (HCRoption %in% 1:7) {
  comb_max <- switch(HCRoption, 
                     "1" = c(250000, 0.35), 
                     "2" = c(200000, 0.39), 
                     "3" = c(250000, 0.35), 
                     "4" = c(210000, 0.41),
                     "5" = c(220000, 0.39),
                     "6" = c(230000, 0.36),
                     "7" = c(230000, 0.36))
  hcr_vals <- expand.grid(Ftrgt = c(comb_max[2], 0.34, 0.33, 0.32, 0.31,
                                    0.36, 0.37, 0.38, 0.39, 0.40),    
                                Btrigger = comb_max[1])

### implement
if (exists("HCR_comb")) {
  ### set Btrigger
  Btrigger <- hcr_vals[HCR_comb, "Btrigger"]
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.phcr@args$Btrigger <- Btrigger
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$hcrpars$Btrigger <- Btrigger
  ### set Ftrgt
  Ftrgt <- hcr_vals[HCR_comb, "Ftrgt"]
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.phcr@args$Ftrgt <- Ftrgt
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$hcrpars$Ftrgt <- Ftrgt
  cat(paste0("\nSetting custom Btrigger/Ftrgt values.\n",
             "Using HCR_comb = ", HCR_comb, "\n",
             "Ftrgt = ", Ftrgt, "\n",
             "Btrigger = ", Btrigger, "\n\n"))
} else {
  cat(paste0("\nUsing default Btrigger/Ftrgt values.\n",
             "Ftrgt = ", input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.phcr@args$Ftrgt, "\n",
             "Btrigger = ", input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.phcr@args$Btrigger, "\n\n"))

### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###
### TAC constraint
input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$TAC_constraint <- FALSE

### check conditions
### either manually requested or as part of HCR options 4-7
if (exists("TAC_constraint")) {
  if (isTRUE(as.logical(TAC_constraint))) {
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$TAC_constraint <- TRUE
if (HCRoption %in% 4:7) {
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$TAC_constraint <- TRUE
### implement
if (isTRUE(input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$TAC_constraint)) {
    if(HCRoption == 7){
      input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$lower <- 85
      input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$upper <- 115
      input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$Btrigger_cond <- TRUE
    } else {  
      input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$lower <- 80
      input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$upper <- 125
      input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$Btrigger_cond <- TRUE
    cat(paste0("\nImplementing TAC constraint.\n\n"))
} else {
    cat(paste0("\nTAC constraint NOT implemented.\n\n"))

### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###
### banking & borrowing
input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB <- FALSE
input$iem <- NULL

### check conditions
### either manually requested or as part of HCR options 4-7
if (exists("BB")) {
  if (isTRUE(as.logical(BB))) {
    input$iem <- FLiem(method = iem_WKNSMSE, args = list(BB = TRUE))
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB <- TRUE
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_check_hcr <- TRUE
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_check_fc <- TRUE
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_rho <- c(-0.1, 0.1)
if (HCRoption %in% 4:7) {
  input$iem <- FLiem(method = iem_WKNSMSE, args = list(BB = TRUE))
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB <- TRUE
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_rho <- c(-0.1, 0.1)
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_check_hcr <- FALSE
  input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_check_fc <- FALSE
  if (HCRoption %in% 4) {
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_check_hcr <- TRUE
  } else if (HCRoption %in% 5:7) {
    input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.is@args$BB_check_fc <- TRUE
if (!is.null(input$iem)) {
  cat(paste0("\nImplementing banking and borrowing.\n\n"))
} else {
  cat(paste0("\nBanking and borrowing NOT implemented.\n\n"))

Assessment biases (positive or negative) in N-at-age and F-at-age (see Goto et al. 2022 for more details) are specified as

input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.est@args$prop_biasN <- 1.0+prop_biasN 
input$ctrl.mp$ctrl.est@args$prop_biasF <- 1.0+prop_biasF 

Once the MSE scenarios are specified the following parameters (in run_mse_grid_distr.R) need to be specified to run simulations. Currently, two alternative OMs (with differnt values of natural mortality rates; M = 0.1 and 0.3) can also be optionally run:

# iterations
iters <- 10 # for higher numbers of replicates (e.g., 1000), HPCs would be recommended

# projection period
years <- 21

# M (natural mortality) selection
m_criterias <- c(0.2) # baseline

# HCR options
hcrs <- c(1)

# HCR combs
hcr_combs <- c(1:25)

# parallel workers (for HPC runs)
n_workers <- 90

## ------------------
Rargs <- ""
extraArgsPar <- ""
if (exists("n_workers"))
  extraArgsPar <- paste0(" par_env=2 n_workers=", n_workers, " nblocks=", n_workers)
for( m_criteria in m_criterias ) {
  extraArgsAll <- ""
  extraArgsAll <- paste0(" m_criteria=", m_criteria)
  for(hcr in hcrs) {
    for(hcrcomb in hcr_combs)
      # Run scenario
      system(paste0("Rscript ", Rargs, " run_mse.R iters=", iters," years=", years, " HCRoption=", 
                    hcr, " HCR_comb=", hcrcomb," TAC_constraint=0 BB=0 ", extraArgsAll, extraArgsPar))

Example output of MSE simualtions (1000 replicates, 21 forecast years). Projected stock and harvest dynamics under the baseline (no bias) scenario.

Example output of MSE simualtions with alternative OMs with varying natural mortality rates (M = 0.1-0.3)

run_mse.sh is a job submission script for a high performance computing cluster (HPC) to call run_mse.R
analyse_mse.R is for analyzing the MSE results

Example output of HCR (re)optimization for biased assessments

Short (a) and long (b)-term averages of spawning stock biomass (SSB) and fishing mortality rate from the operating model (OM) and estimation (assessment) model (EM) under varying levels (10% to 50%) of estimation bias in stock assessment

Optimization of the harvest control rule parameters (Ftarget and Btrigger) under varying levels (10% to 50%) of estimation bias in stock assessment (overestimation of stock abundance and underestimation of fishing mortality rate). Black boxes indicate maximum catches.


Goto, D., J.A. Devine, I. Umar, S.H. Fischer, J.A.A. De Oliveira, D. Howell, E. Jardim, I. Mosqueira, K. Ono. 2022. Shaping sustainable harvest boundaries for marine populations despite estimation bias. Ecosphere. 13(2): e3923.

ICES. 2020a. The third Workshop on Guidelines for Management Strategy Evaluations (WKGMSE3). ICES Scientific Reports. 2:116. 112 pp. doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.7627

ICES. 2020b. Workshop on Catch Forecast from Biased Assessments (WKFORBIAS; outputs from 2019 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. 2:28. 38 pp. http://doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.5997

ICES. 2019. Workshop on North Sea stocks management strategy evaluation (WKNSMSE). ICES Scientific Reports. 1:12. 347 pp. doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.5090