Awesome Hacktoberfest 2022
We present a curated list of awesome Hacktoberfest 2022 repositories. If you enjoyed this resource, please leave a star
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✨ Hacktoberfest t-shirt✨ but don't want to stop contributing to the environment and a sustainable future? Find an organization here so you can plant a tree!🌱
Don't forget to read our contributing guide
- Repositories Supporting First Timers
- Repositories Coding for Beginners
- Guides and Resources
- Cli Tools
- Cheat sheets
- Meetups and Events
Repositories Supporting First-Timers
- Amplication
- Appwrite
- Awesome Hacktoberfest Plant a Tree
- Awesome Resources
- Banco de dados
- BSI Developers - Comunidade
- Caucus
- Challenges backend
- Challenges frontend
- Challenges Algorithm
- Compare Explainable AI Alg.
- CheatSheets
- competicoes-de-programacao
- css-puns
- ctf-tools
- Developer Experience Knowledge Base
- Data Structure and Algo
- EazyChart
- first-contribution
- Filosofunk
- git-osp-beginners
- Hacktoberfest Animations
- Hasura GraphQL Engine
- Hydrate Reminder
- Ishaan28malik
- Javascript Mini-Projects
- layer5io
- LinkFree
- Mind Expanding Books
- MindsDB
- Naruto-shipuden
- OMRChecker
- Open source drinks
- Oppia
- Poke-Dex
- Predator
- Public Apis
- Quelea
- Quotes
- remote-jobs
- sample-programs
- ShopCube
- UFRPE Devs - Comunidade
- useful-dev-tools
- Awesomo
- Xamarin Community Toolkit
- IUCN Red List
- HealhUb
- UI-Component-Library
Repositories Coding for Beginners
- AlgoBook - Various Python and ML Algorithms under one roof
- Algorithms written in different programming languages
- Avinash201199
- Anime line-art auto colorization
- Coder's Way of Wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY
- CPP Codes for beginners
- DS Algo (C/C++/Python/Java)
- Design patterns written in different programming languages
- FreeCodeCamp
- Funny Algorithms
- Free programing eBook
- Hacktoberfest2020_beginner
- Header and Footer designs
- HoneyBot py
- Javascript
- Jenkins
- ML-Usecases
- MunGell
- Nodejs-Beginners
- Open-Pixel-Art
- Poke-Dex
- Pybites- solve problems
- The Algorithms - C++
- The Algorithms - Python
- tinyhttp
- Usefull C programming Codes
Repositories for intermediate/Advanced Coders
- AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms
- Vita
- Home Automation
- K8gb: A cloud native Kubernetes Global Balancer
- Project-Books
- Python Algorithms
- Pyrogram: Telegram API Framework in Python & C
- react-figma
- Java Design Patterns
- EbookFoundation
- Developer Roadmap
- Material-UI
- FreeCodeCamp
- Github Docs
- ohmyzsh
Guides and Resources
- A First-Timers Guide to an Open Source Project
- Github Pages
- Hacktoberfest Checker
- Hacktoberfest Tracker Mobile App github
- Hacktoberfest Profile
- HacktoberfestSwagList - List of companies giving out swag for participating in Hacktoberfest
- - Another Hacktoberfest swag list
- Open Source Guide
- he Ultimate Guide to Open Source
- indonesian NLP resources
- Git Tutorial in Bahasa Indonesia
- Web Dev Book
- Awesome Indonesia Repo
CLI Tools
Cheat sheets
Meetups and Events
See all meetups and events here
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