
Extension of AMP framework (https://github.com/xbpeng/DeepMimic) to include gym environment. Also, adapted code from MILO (https://github.com/jdchang1/milo) to test on AMP framework.

Primary LanguageC++


This repo contains the code for (AMP/DeepMimic)(https://github.com/xbpeng/DeepMimic). Code was added to adapt it to the OpenAI Gym environment (see gym-deepmimic). To test this framework, code was adapted from MILO and a new gym environment was created to hold the dynamics model (see gym-simenv).


Follow the setup instructions before getting started. You can follow the original instructions for DeepMimic and MILO separately but the setup instructions should have everything necessary.

After following the setup instructions, install the 5 local packages (deepmimic, gym-deepmimic, gym-simenv, mjrl, milo) using pip. That is, please run the commands from the base directory:

cd deepmimic && pip install -e .

cd gym-deepmimic && pip install -e .

cd gym-simenv && pip install -e .

cd milo && pip install -e .

cd mjrl && pip install -e .

Running Experiments


Downloading example datasets

MILO requires an offline and expert data. To generate these, use collect_data.py and collect_expert.py in milo. Details can be found in the milo readme

An offline and expert dataset can be downloaded from this google drive. Place this inside a new directory data.

Running the experiment

Run the following command to run an experiment

python run.py --dynamic_dense_connect --dynamic_save_models --dynamic_transform --dynamic_id 0 --milo_id 0 --seed 100 --dynamic_num_model 4 --num_cpu 4 --dynamic_hidden_size 512 512 512 512 --dynamic_lr 0.0001 --dynamic_eps 0.0001 --dynamic_batch_size 128 --dynamic_epochs 500 --milo_train --actor_model_hidden 32 32 --critic_model_hidden 128 128 --samples_per_step 40000 --kl_dist 0.01 --gamma 0.995 --cg_iter 25 --cg_damping 1e-5 --gae_lambda 0.97 --vf_iters 2 --vf_lr 1e-4 --vf_reg_coef 1e-4 --lambda_b 0.0025 --pg_iter 1 --bw_quantile 0.1 --n_iter 300 --cg_iter 25 --bc_epochs 0 --experiment_name example

This will train a dynamics ensemble of 4 models and then run the imitation learning portion of MILO. For more information on the possible parameters, see arguments.py

Runnning Behavior Cloning

Running python run_BC.py will train a policy using behavior cloning in the mjrl package on the offline dataset in data.

Visualizing a policy in AMP

There are several methods of visualizing a policy. If using a policy trained by the AMP framework directly, then running

python DeepMimic.py --arg_file <arg_file>

with the appropriate file to load in the policy will visualize the policy at 60 Hz. If using a different policy, there are two different options. One is to use the render function of gym_deepmimic. The other is to use visualize.py. Before using visualize.py, make sure to change load_policy and step_policy functions to fit your policy. Running python visualize.py should visualize the policy at 30Hz. The r key resets the character, t toggles animation, and the space bar is used for stepping one frame forward in time.

Setting up the argument file

Many different argument files can be found in deepmimic/deepmimic/args. These argument files dictate what scene is used, whether DeepMimic or AMP is used, the parameters of the character and world, whether we train or load a policy, etc.

Changing the paths

These files are originally meant to be used from the DeepMimic directory. If the entry point is not in DeepMimic directory, the paths in the argument files need to be changed. For example, run_amp_humanoid3d_spinkick_args.txt is used by run.py so the paths in the argument file are relative to the location of run.py.

Adding time limit to run files

The original run arg files originally don't have limits on the time so any looping motions will go on until the character falls. To set a horizon, add the lines

  • time_end_lim_min <seconds>
  • time_end_lim_max <seconds>

The seconds should be the same here. These two lines are copied over from the train arg files.

DeepMimic path

One thing that is required when using the argument files outside of the DeepMimic directory is the addition of the --deepmimic_path argument.

Loading a model

To load in a different model (that was trained by AMP), change the path to the model.


Besides comments in the code, we have added extra documentation in the README.md files in milo, mjrl, gym-simenv, gym-deepmimic, and DeepMimic that discusses code changes and use cases for functions.

Possible Issues and Solutions

This section will be updated as new problems/solutions arise.

  • If running on linux and you run into an error about too many processes or files open, it may be beneficial to increase the resource limit by using ulimit. For example, ulimit -n 4096.