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🟥 Simplified Tetris environments compliant with OpenAI Gym's API
Gym-SimplifiedTetris is a pip installable package that creates simplified Tetris environments compliant with OpenAI Gym's API. Gym's API is the field standard for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
There are currently three agents and 64 environments provided. The environments are simplified because the player must select the column and piece's rotation before the piece starts falling vertically downwards. If one looks at the previous approaches to the game of Tetris, most of them use this simplified setting.
The package is pip installable:
pip install gym-simplifiedtetris
Or, you can copy the repository by forking it and then downloading it using:
git clone<YOUR-USERNAME>/gym-simplifiedtetris
Packages can be installed using pip:
cd gym-simplifiedtetris
pip install -r requirements.txt
The file examples/ shows two examples of using an instance of the simplifiedtetris-binary-20x10-4-v0
environment for ten games. You can create an environment using gym.make
, supplying the environment's ID as an argument.
import gym
import gym_simplifiedtetris
env = gym.make("simplifiedtetris-binary-20x10-4-v0")
obs = env.reset()
# Run 10 games of Tetris, selecting actions uniformly at random.
episode_num = 0
while episode_num < 10:
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done:
print(f"Episode {episode_num + 1} has terminated.")
episode_num += 1
obs = env.reset()
Alternatively, you can import the environment directly:
from gym_simplifiedtetris import SimplifiedTetrisBinaryEnv as Tetris
env = Tetris(grid_dims=(20, 10), piece_size=4)
- Normalise the observation spaces.
- Implement an action space that only permits the agent to take non-terminal actions.
- Implement more shaping rewards: potential-style, potential-based, dynamic potential-based, and non-potential. Optimise their weights using an optimisation algorithm.
- Write end-to-end and integration tests using pytest.
- Perform mutation and property-based testing using mutmut and Hypothesis.
- Use to increase code coverage.
This package utilises several methods from the codebase developed by andreanlay (2020) and the codebase developed by Benjscho (2021).