A curated list of awesome things related to FastAPI.
- FastAPI Admin - Functional admin panel that provides a user interface for performing CRUD operations on your data
- FastAPI Auth - Pluggable auth that supports the OAuth2 Password Flow with JWT access and refresh tokens
- FastAPI Login - Account management and authentication (based on Flask-Login)
- FastAPI Permissions - Row-level permissions
- FastAPI Users - Account management, authentication, authorization
- FastAPI SQLAlchemy - Simple integration between FastAPI and SQLAlchemy
- Tortoise ORM
- GINO a lightweight asynchronous ORM built on top of SQLAlchemy core for Python asyncio
- ORM - An async ORM
- asyncpgsa - A wrapper around asyncpg for use with SQLAlchemy Core
- Databases - Async SQL query builder that works on top of the SQLAlchemy Core expression language
- FastAPI Client Generator - Generate a mypy- and IDE-friendly API client from an OpenAPI spec
- FastAPI Versioning - API versioning
- Jupyter Notebook REST API - run your Jupyter notebooks as RESTful API endpoints
- msgpack-asgi - automatic MessagePack content negotiation
- FastAPI Mail - lightweight mail system for sending emails and attachments (individual and bulk)
- FastAPI Contrib - Opinionated set of utilities: pagination, auth middleware, permissions, custom exception handlers, MongoDB support, and Opentracing middleware
- FastAPI Plugins - Redis and Scheduler plugins
- FastAPI ServiceUtils - Generator for creating API services
- FastAPI Utilities - Reusable utilities: class-based views, response inferring router, periodic tasks, timing middleware, SQLAlchemy session, OpenAPI spec simplification
- Prerender Python Starlette - Starlette middleware for Prerender
- SlowApi - Rate limiter (based on Flask-Limiter)
- Documentation - Comprehensive documentation
- Tutorial
- Source Code - Hosted on Github
- Gitter Chat
- Build The Next Generation Of Python Web Applications With FastAPI - In this episode of Podcast Init, the create of FastAPI, Sebastián Ramirez, shares his motivations for building FastAPI and how it works under the hood
- FastAPI on PythonBytes
- Developing and Testing an Asynchronous API with FastAPI and Pytest
- Deploying Iris Classifications with FastAPI and Docker
- How to deploy your ConvNet classifier with Keras and FastAPI
- Introduction to the FastAPI Python Framework
- Porting Flask to FastAPI for ML Model Serving
- Serving Machine Learning Models with FastAPI in Python
- Building a Stock Screener with FastAPI
- Building Web APIs Using FastAPI
- Serving Machine Learning Models As API with FastAPI
- Full Stack FastAPI and PostgreSQL - Base Project Generator - Full stack, modern web application generator, which includes FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Docker, Celery, Vue frontend, automatic HTTPS and more (developed by the creator of FastAPI, Sebastián Ramírez)
- FastAPI and Tortoise ORM
- FastAPI Model Server Skeleton - Skeleton app to serve machine learning models production-ready
- cookiecutter-spacy-fastapi - Quick deployments of spaCy models with FastAPI
- cookiecutter-fastapi
- openapi-python-client - Generate modern FastAPI Python clients (via FastAPI) from OpenAPI
- Pywork - Yeoman generator to scaffold a FastAPI app
- uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker - Docker image with Uvicorn managed by Gunicorn for high-performance FastAPI web applications in Python 3.7 and 3.6 with performance auto-tuning
- Bitcart
- FastAPI CRUD Example:
- FastAPI Websocket Broadcast
- FastAPI with Celery, RabbitMQ, and Redis
- JSON-RPC Server
- Mailer - Dead-simple mailer micro-service for static websites
- RealWorld Example App
- redis-streams-fastapi-chat
- Slackers - Slack webhooks API
- TermPair
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