- 2
- 0
Exception when parse malformed url
#196 opened by alphatownsman - 1
Error loading json-ld content from
#154 opened by ianco - 0
- 2
expand() does not prepend `@base` to @id-s
#143 opened by anatoly-scherbakov - 1
- 5
Language tagged strings
#192 opened by edsu - 13
Could not retrieve a JSON-LD document from the URL.
#133 opened by sharpaper - 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
Implement custom document loader option
#184 opened by BigBlueHat - 0
compaction with URL context doesn't work
#183 opened by JPEWdev - 1
- 0
Performance issues with jsonld.normalize
#179 opened by william-vw - 0
- 1
Compact a framed JSON-LD document?
#168 opened by stefanbischof - 0
jsonld.to_rdf: Zeros not truncated for numeric values with negative exponent
#175 opened by tripougnif - 4
- 0
aliasing @id not working
#174 opened by majidaldo - 0
implement JSON-LD-star
#172 opened by majidaldo - 0
`JsonLdProcessor._compare_rdf_triples()` is a massive performance hog in `parse_nquads`
#169 opened by RinkeHoekstra - 0
blank node prefixes are not handled correctly
#167 opened by pchampin - 4
pyld does not inspect Link headers
#128 opened by alpha-beta-soup - 0
Clarify support for interpreting-json-as-json-ld
#166 opened by rob-metalinkage - 0
@requireAll does not work with @type
#165 opened by ioggstream - 0
IndexError in jsonld.py_value_match
#163 opened by ioggstream - 1
- 1
- 1
- 8
Question about EARL reports
#155 opened by hsolbrig - 0
command-line tool
#151 opened by pchampin - 0
problem when compacting IRIs that contain `@`
#150 opened by pchampin - 0
- 2
- 0
jsonld.expand() fails if the document contains a value which does not plainly serialize to JSON
#146 opened by anatoly-scherbakov - 0
expand result is unexpected with @propagate
#145 opened by haisland0909 - 0
JSON-LD Value Objects
#142 opened by calummackervoy - 1
to_rdf silently ignores invalid IRIs
#137 opened by aucampia - 0
Configurable IdentifierIssuer for to_rdf
#136 opened by aucampia - 0
Deprecation warning due to invalid escape sequences
#132 opened by tirkarthi - 4
no term-to-IRI expansion
#130 opened by mfrigerio17 - 2
#127 opened by sharpaper - 5
Automatically fetch URIs objects when framing
#126 opened by sharpaper - 0
- 0
Embedding and @reverse
#124 opened by MonkeyChap - 0
Fix scoped contexts.
#123 opened by davidlehn - 2
Expansion is failing
#122 opened by James-Hudson3010 - 2
🚧 Is this repo maintained?
#121 opened by rfm-bot - 4
Issue when repeatedly expanding and compacting jsonld with nested/type-scoped contexts
#119 opened by Panaetius