- 4
Syna a flexible evolution of agency theme is ready
#120 opened by stp-ip - 4
Brand logo
#126 opened by tattooseoul - 2
Add language switcher
#67 opened by digitalcraftsman - 1
External url with hashbang /#/ or /#!/ won't open
#110 opened by Karadox - 1
- 2
- 1
add powered by Hugo, digitalcraftsman in footer
#74 opened by maxheld83 - 1
Add additional variant for services
#96 opened by stp-ip - 2
include CC license in footer
#73 opened by maxheld83 - 5
fix oddly asymmetric layout of team
#75 opened by maxheld83 - 1
- 2
- 2
- 6
Team members don't appear on same line in Safari, but they render fine in Chrome/Firefox
#119 opened by kaleidoscopeINC - 2
add testimonials to main page
#76 opened by maxheld83 - 1
add image credit for background images
#78 opened by maxheld83 - 1
Add versioning using Git tags
#92 opened by digitalcraftsman - 1
Ability to add modules to single page
#94 opened by stp-ip - 13
Best way to add disclaimer / impress
#72 opened by anoehre - 2
How to add a blog page to Agency
#123 opened by coolhamid - 4
Inability to customize Agency
#121 opened by forzoe - 5
how to get the form to work
#124 opened by andreadesiderio - 0
Improve design for single pages
#93 opened by stp-ip - 1
Disabling portfolio modal feature
#125 opened by mherd12 - 3
demo page is down
#122 opened by eczajk1 - 14
Contact form action is not compatible with formspree
#117 opened by tomgoldstein - 5
Contact From Validation on Firefox
#108 opened by mcallari - 6
List items in services/portfolio not lining up
#109 opened by slyskawa - 1
- 2
Possible to have Portfolio scroll through images?
#115 opened by cnettles - 4
contact form give a 400 js error
#113 opened by polya20 - 2
Contact form doesnt work
#112 opened by 11jwolfe2 - 1
Change icon in services section
#111 opened by carlosneftaly - 3
Adding a submenu
#102 opened by eurecomphil - 1
How to remove the about -> endpoint?
#100 opened by ozbillwang - 1
A bug of the path name.
#105 opened by doreentseng - 1
rename jquery 3.3.1 to jquery 3.1.1
#97 opened by jwkvam - 2
How can I change the background color?
#99 opened by ozbillwang - 1
make the logo linked
#98 opened by ozbillwang - 3
Height of background image
#89 opened by Paul-Reed - 2
Custom SVG for
#70 opened by LouisJS - 1
Easy way to change colors?
#90 opened by jwkvam - 2
Fix various issues with current PoC aka dev
#69 opened by stp-ip - 2
[Question] Disable scroll on clicking menu
#80 opened by LeeU1911 - 1
status of dev branch
#85 opened by maxheld83 - 5
- 0
Font Awesome Icons are not shown in IE and Chrome
#87 opened by hangyao - 1
- 3
contact form not working
#84 opened by liz-miller - 1
Fix menu.prepend/.postpend
#77 opened by bluestrat404