
Mssql Adapter for Magento 1.x with php module mssql or pdo_dblib (PHP 7)

Primary LanguagePHP

Diglin Mssql for Magento

Mssql Adapter for Magento. Be aware that it is not attended to replace MySQL for Magento Database. It is not fully implemented to support such a case.


  • php-mssql or pdo_dblib (with PHP 7)


Via modman

  • Install modman
  • Use the command from your Magento installation folder: modman clone https://github.com/diglin/diglin_mssql.git

Via composer

  • Install composer
  • Create a composer.json into your project like the following sample:
    "require": {
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/diglin/diglin_mssql.git"
        "magento-root-dir": "./"
  • Then from your composer.json folder: php composer.phar install or composer install


  • You can copy the files from the folders of this repository to the same folders of your installation


Add into your app/etc/local.xml the following information and replace the placeholder with your own data

                    <type>{{db_type_sqlsrv}}</type><!-- mssql or pdo_dblib -->
                    <active>{{db_active_sqlsrv}}</active><!-- 0 or 1 -->


In any location of your Magento Module:

$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');

/* @var $connection Diglin_Mssql_Model_Db_Adapter_Mssql */
$connection = $resource->getConnection('default_sqlsrv');

var_dump($connection->fetchAll('SELECT @@VERSION'));
//var_dump($connection->fetchAll('exec sp_columns mytable'));