
Step-by-step tutorial on how to create a Liquid Gauge Progress Indicator in React Native using react-native-skia and react-native-reanimated. Inspired by the Liquid Fill Gauge Gist, this repository guides you through the process of implementing this visually appealing component in your React Native projects.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Native Liquid Gauge Tutorial

Get Started

Some time ago I saw this cool Liquid Fill Gauge Gist with cool animated web svg component. Immediatly I thought it would be cool to have it in react native. It took me some effort to make it works. So I decided to make a tutorial for it. I will use react-native-skia and react-native-reanimated.


First of all, let's install react-native-skia (please follow official docs for it). Now let's create new component and draw circle.

import { Canvas, Circle } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

type Props = {
  size: number;

export const LiquidGaugeProgress = ({ size }: Props) => {
  const radius = size * 0.5;
  const circleThickness = radius * 0.05;

  return (
    <Canvas style={{ width: size, height: size }}>
        r={radius - circleThickness * 0.5}

Render everything inside the Canvas with width and height of size. Draw Circle which fits canvas size. We will use stroke style to draw only border of the circle. We will use strokeWidth to set thickness of the border.

Now let's add inner circle which will represent water wave later with clip path.


  const circleFillGap = 0.05 * radius;
  const fillCircleMargin = circleThickness + circleFillGap;
  const fillCircleRadius = radius - fillCircleMargin;

  return (
    <Canvas style={{ width: size, height: size }}>


We draw another circle which fill space inside. And we want to clip this circle with SVG path. We will use d3 library to generate this path, so let's install it.

npx expo install d3 @types/d3

Now we will have quate big code snippet of clipped inner circle with wave form path. I put comment almost on each line of code to explain what is doing. If you don't get something please ask in comments.

import { Canvas, Circle, Group, Path, Skia } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
import { area, scaleLinear } from "d3";

type Props = {
  size: number;
  value: number;

export const LiquidGaugeProgress = ({ size, value }: Props) => {
  const radius = size * 0.5; // outer circle
  const circleThickness = radius * 0.05; // 0.05 just coefficient can be anything you like

  const circleFillGap = 0.05 * radius; // 0.05 just coefficient can be anything you like
  const fillCircleMargin = circleThickness + circleFillGap;
  const fillCircleRadius = radius - fillCircleMargin; // inner circle radius

  const minValue = 0; // min possible value
  const maxValue = 100; // max possible value
  const fillPercent = Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, value)) / maxValue; // percent of how much progress filled 

  const waveCount = 1; // how many full waves will be seen in the circle
  const waveClipCount = waveCount + 1; // extra wave for translate x animation
  const waveLength = (fillCircleRadius * 2) / waveCount; // wave length base on wave count 
  const waveClipWidth = waveLength * waveClipCount; // extra width for translate x animation
  const waveHeight = fillCircleRadius * 0.1; // wave height relative to the circle radius, if we change component size it will look same

  // Data for building the clip wave area.
  // [number, number] represent point
  // we have 40 points per wave
  // we generate as many points as 40 * waveClipCount
  const data: Array<[number, number]> = [];
  for (let i = 0; i <= 40 * waveClipCount; i++) {
    data.push([i / (40 * waveClipCount), i / 40]);

  const waveScaleX = scaleLinear().range([0, waveClipWidth]).domain([0, 1]); // interpolate value between 0 and 1 to value between 0 and waveClipWidth 
  const waveScaleY = scaleLinear().range([0, waveHeight]).domain([0, 1]); // interpolate value between 0 and 1 to value between 0 and waveHeight

  // area take our data points 
  // output area with points (x, y0) and (x, y1)
  const clipArea = area()
    .x(function (d) {
      return waveScaleX(d[0]); // interpolate value between 0 and 1 to value between 0 and waveClipWidth 
    .y0(function (d) {
      // interpolate value between 0 and 1 to value between 0 and waveHeight
      return waveScaleY(
        Math.sin(d[1] * 2 * Math.PI),
    .y1(function (_d) {
      // same y1 value for each point 
      return fillCircleRadius * 2 + waveHeight;

  const clipSvgPath = clipArea(data); // convert data points as wave area and output as svg path string 
  const clipPath = Skia.Path.MakeFromSVGString(clipSvgPath); // convert svg path string to skia format path
  const transformMatrix = Skia.Matrix(); // create Skia tranform matrix 
    0, // translate x to 0, basically do nothing
    fillCircleMargin + (1 - fillPercent) * fillCircleRadius * 2 - waveHeight, // translate y to position where lower point of the wave in the innerCircleHeight * fillPercent
  clipPath.transform(transformMatrix); // apply transform matrix to our clip path

  return (
    <Canvas style={{ width: size, height: size }}>
        r={radius - circleThickness * 0.5}

      {/* clip everything inside this group with clip path */}
      <Group clip={clipPath}> 
        <Circle cx={radius} cy={radius} r={fillCircleRadius} color="#178BCA" />

Now when we have clip area let's add some text. Skia text component require font. So let's download roboto bold font. And put it into assets/fonts directory.

import { useFont, Text } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

// ...

const fontSize = radius / 2; // font size is half of the radius
const font = useFont(require('../assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf'), fontSize); // create font with font file and size

const text = `${value}`; // convert value to string
const textWidth = font?.getTextWidth(text) ?? 0; // get text width
const textTranslateX = radius - textWidth * 0.5; // calculate text X position to center it horizontally
const textTransform = [{ translateY: size * 0.5 - fontSize * 0.7 }]; // calculate vertical center position. Half canvas size - half font size. But since characters isn't centered inside font rect we do 0.7 instead of 0.5.

// ... 

return (
    <Canvas style={{ width: size, height: size }}>
        {/* ... */}

      {/* Text which will be drawn above the wave (water) */}

      {/* clip everything inside this group with clip path */}
      <Group clip={clipPath}>
        <Circle cx={radius} cy={radius} r={fillCircleRadius} color="#178BCA" />

        {/* Text which will be drawn under the wave (water) */}

So we added font and calculated text posiotion (explained in the code comments). Then we added two Text components with same params but different colors. One reder above the water wave, and another - under the water wave. What give us nice effect that text is in the water.

Now we want to animated our wave. So let's install react-native-reanimated. Simply follow official documentation reanimated installation or for expo installation.

Now we create translateXAnimated which change from 0 to 1 over 9 seconds and repeat in infinity loop. Then we wrap our clipPath value in useDerivedValue where we apply our translateXAnimated to x position of clip path. Each line has extra comment. Don't hesitate to ask the question if you need additional explanation.

import {
} from "react-native-reanimated";

// ...

  const translateXAnimated = useSharedValue(0); // animated value translate wave horizontally
  useEffect(() => {
    translateXAnimated.value = withRepeat(
      // repeat animation
      withTiming(1, {
        // animate from 0 to 1
        duration: 9000, // animation duration
        easing: Easing.linear, // easing function
      -1, // repeat forever
  }, []);

  const clipPath = useDerivedValue(() => {
    // animated value for clip wave path
    const clipP = Skia.Path.MakeFromSVGString(clipSvgPath); // convert svg path string to skia format path
    const transformMatrix = Skia.Matrix(); // create Skia tranform matrix
      fillCircleMargin - waveLength * translateXAnimated.value, // translate left from start of the first wave to the length of first wave
      fillCircleMargin + (1 - fillPercent) * fillCircleRadius * 2 - waveHeight, // translate y to position where lower point of the wave in the innerCircleHeight * fillPercent
    clipP.transform(transformMatrix); // apply transform matrix to our clip path
    return clipP;
  }, [translateXAnimated]);

We can do same to animate Y translation.

  const translateYPercent = useSharedValue(0); // animated value translate wave vertically

  useEffect(() => {
    translateYPercent.value = withTiming(fillPercent, { // timing animation from 0 to `fillPercent`
      duration: 1000, // animation duration
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, [fillPercent]);

  // update transformMatrix like this
    fillCircleMargin - waveLength * translateXAnimated.value, // translate left from start of the first wave to the length of first wave
    fillCircleMargin + (1 - translateYPercent.value) * fillCircleRadius * 2 - waveHeight, // translate y to position where lower point of the wave in the innerCircleHeight * fillPercent
    // since Y axis 0 is in the top, we do animation from 1 to (1 - fillPercent)

And last thing is to animate text value.

  const textValue = useSharedValue(0); // animated value for text

  useEffect(() => {
    textValue.value = withTiming(value, { // animate from 0 to `value`
      duration: 1000, // duration of animation
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, [value]);

  const text = useDerivedValue(() => { // derived value for the Text component
    return `${textValue.value.toFixed(0)}`; // convert to string 
  }, [textValue]);

Hooray! We did it. This is basically all in terms of tutorial scope. If you like to have ready to use configurable component take a look react-native-gauge-pprogress a wrap it as a simple lib.