
List of resources for bayesian inference

Awesome Bayes

List of resources for bayesian inference



General inference

  • BUGS: Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling. Oldest of the Bayesian inference platforms, tried and tested. Has a Windows friendly version, WinBUGS. R, python and many other language bindings, GUIs and
  • JAGS: Just another Gibbs sampler, similar to BUGS - focused on cross-platform, usability. Also tried and tested. R and python bindings too.
  • Stan: Full-featured Bayesian inference with R and python bindings. Based on Hamiltonian MC and NUTS. Current favorite of the community it seems with lots of examples, docs.
  • PyMC3: Probabilistic programming in Python/Theano. PyMC4 is in dev, will use Tensorflow as backend. Great API and interface, but hindered by Theano's deprecation. PYMC4 promises great things.
  • edward2/tfprobability: Probabilistic programming in tensorflow. Scalable models, but little docs.
  • Zhusuan: Another probabilistic programming framework built on tensorflow.
  • Pyro: Probabilistic programming in Pytorch. Good docs, scalable models too.
  • Brancher: Probabilistic inference based on auto diff and variational models, also based on Pytorch.
  • LaplacesDemon: Mysterious probabilistic programming package in R with a cult following.
  • WebPPL: Probabilistic programming in the browser.
  • Turing.jl: Probabilistic programming in Julia, by Zoubin Ghahramani's lab.
  • Infer.NET: Specializes in running probabilistic inference in factor graphs (Expectation Propagation, Variational Inference). Programs written in .NET.


  • brms : Generalized linear/non-linear multilevel models, uses Stan.
  • R-INLA : Latent Gaussian models via Integrated Nested Latent Approximations. Really fast compared to MCMC.
  • bayesmix: Finite mixture models with JAGS in R
  • lmm: Linear mixed models fitted with MCMC


  • List of Bayesian inference packages for R: Comprehensive list for all Bayesian inference in R
  • ArviZ: ArviZ is a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models. Includes functions for posterior analysis, sample diagnostics, model checking, and comparison. Works with PyMC3, PyStan, emcee, Pyro and TensorFlow Probability.
  • StatSim: Browser-based interface to create, share, and perform inference on probabilistic models. Powered by WebPPL and PyMC3.

Resources, papers, and blogs

General topics



Variational Inference

Empirical Bayes



Bayesian deep learning


Michael Betancourt's case studies

Indexed here, these deserve a list all to themselves:
