dimimal's Following
- alexandrosstergiou@utwente
- amitnessNepal
- AntreasAntoniouUniversity of Edinburgh
- apache
- arnoldgbenedictUnited Kingdom
- benedekrozemberczki@isomorphiclabs
- BenWilson2Databricks
- DeVriesMattInstitute of Cancer Research and Imperial College London
- ethanwharris@Lightning-AI
- fmassaFacebook AI Reseach
- gakonst@paradigmxyz
- gegaryfa@faceit
- geohot@commaai @tinygrad
- georgealexiouAthens, Greece & London, UK
- georgSquared
- gkourosKU Leuven
- gordicaleksaex-DeepMind, ex-Microsoft
- gvanrossumMicrosoft
- hendrycksBerkeley, California
- jnothmanCanva
- jonhareUniversity of Southampton
- KachrimanisNetherlands
- kelseyhightowerGoogle, Inc
- kothemelGreece
- mcleonardBardeen
- mrrySan Francisco, CA
- nayukiProject Nayuki
- npitsillosJinaAI
- PetarV-Google DeepMind / University of Cambridge
- Peter554
- rusty1sKumo.AI
- spthermoMoverse
- ssnlMIT
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- tsterbakBerlin, Germany
- yaringal