
Error: 'scan' keeps getting 'killed'

stevekm opened this issue · 2 comments

When I try to make the initial microsatellites list inside my Docker container, it fails every time with the following error:

Step 35/37 : RUN cd /opt/bin/msisensor && ./msisensor scan -d "${HG19_FA}" -o "${HG19_MICROSATELLITES}"
 ---> Running in 0942bacffdc0
scan -d /opt/iGenomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa -o /opt/bin/msisensor/hg19_microsatellites.list Start at:  Wed Jan 31 01:52:09 2018

scanning chomosome chrM done. 1 secs passed
scanning chomosome chr1 done. 12 secs passed
scanning chomosome chr2 done. 23 secs passed
scanning chomosome chr3 done. 32 secs passed
scanning chomosome chr4 done. 51 secs passed
scanning chomosome chr5 done. 60 secs passed
scanning chomosome chr6 done. 67 secs passed
scanning chomosome chr7 done. 75 secs passed
The command '/bin/sh -c cd /opt/bin/msisensor && ./msisensor scan -d "${HG19_FA}" -o "${HG19_MICROSATELLITES}"' returned a non-zero code: 137
make: *** [build] Error 137

I am not sure if it is caused by msisensor because we have test many human genomes and no issues reported in scan step. could you please just test another ref genome in you Docker container?

I've since learned that exit code 137 with Docker typically means Docker ran out of memory, so I'm guessing it was that.