- 1
feature request: ignore duplicate-marked reads
#57 opened by anoronh4 - 0
bam files after realignment & output_dis file
#56 opened by bsgilgi - 1
The MSI loci in output.prefix_germline file
#52 opened by yumenxx - 3
Reference genome issues in msisensor and number of somatic sites prediction in msisensor2
#51 opened by Manonanthini - 1
Get location of total sites
#49 opened by flora0177 - 0
MSI score greater than 1
#55 opened by shanshenbing - 1
- 14
whether to use deduplicated bam
#29 opened by coolbubu - 23
Tumor-only method
#21 opened by EgirardBioinfo - 1
msisensor on whole exome
#46 opened by patidarr - 2
failed to open output files to write
#43 opened by IvantheDugtrio - 6
- 1
Bed file not loading
#45 opened by PriyaMilne - 6
No matched normal
#16 opened by crutching - 1
How msisensor deal with soft clipping reads?
#44 opened by ShenWei-wei - 3
Tagging release 0.6
#42 opened by ckandoth - 6
- 3
only part of BED file loaded/analysed
#28 opened by preciserobot - 2
- 2
Error "Same reference genome file should be used in both 'msisensor scan' and 'msisensor msi' steps!!!"
#38 opened by sclan - 3
Microsatellite loci for hg38
#40 opened by audyavar - 5
- 3
can't find the description of the result file : output.prefix: msi score output
#32 opened by zhangj1115 - 1
How difference value is calculated
#31 opened by pengyuguai - 1
minimal comentropy threshold
#33 opened by jimlund - 1
error while loading shared libraries
#30 opened by andhena - 4
virtual memory error - scan ref genome
#22 opened by arorarshi - 1
the relationship of -l -p -m
#8 opened by liuyixiao - 2
read count distribution
#23 opened by Jemkon - 2
MSI score Plot
#20 opened by Jemkon - 3
Bioconda package
#18 opened by micknudsen - 2
msisensor msi -c [int] does not work
#2 opened by mlebeur - 2
- 1
Single tumor BAM doesnt work.....
#17 opened by Jemkon - 2
Error: 'scan' keeps getting 'killed'
#10 opened by stevekm - 1
what is homopolymer size?
#13 opened by qingping12 - 2
MSI scroe?
#7 opened by qingping12 - 1
query about bam
#4 opened by nordhuang - 7
Running on WGS
#6 opened by Rashesh7 - 2
Zero scoring returns empty files
#12 opened by morganbye - 0
5-marker or 7-marker
#5 opened by kevin199011 - 0