
Morphokinetics is a software tool written in object-oriented Java language developed at the Donostia International Physics Center. This code is able to simulate several kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) processes, namely: chemical etching, catalysis and 2D monolayer growth.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is Morphokinetics software developed at the Donostia International Physics Center. Morphokinetics is a software to simulate kinetics Monte Carlo (KMC) processes. It can simulate etching, CVD growing and catalysis processes. To specify simulation mode "parameters" file must be present in the current working directory (more details in {@link Parser}).

You can either compile the code automatically using ant or manually invoking javac.

Papers using Morphokinetics

ANT (simpler and faster)

Next two steps should be enough to run Morphokinetics:

ant jar 
java -jar dist/morphokinetics.jar


Alternatively, you can use javac commands to compile the code. Instructions to compile the code manually:

cd src/
javac -source 8 -target 8 -encoding "UTF-8" -cp .:../lib/json-20141113.jar:../lib/j3dcore.jar:../lib/j3dutils.jar:../lib/jtransforms-2.4.jar:../lib/vecmath.jar:../lib/colt.jar graphicInterfaces/growth/GrowthKmcFrame.java main/PcConfigurator.java main/Morphokinetics.java
mkdir ../perimeterData
cp ../scripts/perimeterStatistics/*txt ../perimeterData/


Run the code: In order to be able do a simulation with Morphokinetics, a file called "parameter" have to exits in the current directory. If there is not any file, default simulation is carried out.

java -Xss100M -cp  .:../lib/json-20141113.jar:../lib/j3dcore.jar:../lib/j3dutils.jar:../lib/jtransforms-2.4.jar:../lib/vecmath.jar:../lib/colt.jar main.Morphokinetics


Beforehand creating a jar file, java code must be compiled (with the above instruction). To manually create a portable JAR file, follow this instructions:

cd src
jar cfm morphokinetics.jar manifest.txt . ../lib/jtransforms-2.4.jar ../lib/j3dcore.jar  ../lib/j3dutils.jar ../lib/vecmath.jar ../lib/colt.jar  ../lib/json-20141113.jar

If you want to move the JAR file to another folder, you have to also move the lib, perimeterData and resources/png/ folders.


ant test


cd test/
javac -encoding "UTF-8" -cp .:../lib/colt.jar:../lib/json-20141113.jar:../lib/j3dcore.jar:../lib/j3dutils.jar:../lib/jtransforms-2.4.jar:../lib/vecmath.jar:../lib/junit-4.13.jar:../src TestRunner.java

java -cp .:../lib/json-20141113.jar:../lib/j3dcore.jar:../lib/j3dutils.jar:../lib/jtransforms-2.4.jar:../lib/vecmath.jar:../lib/junit-4.13.jar:../lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:../src TestRunner


To profile this code within NetBeans 8.1 next line has to be added:

-XX:+UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks -agentpath:$NETBEANS_DIR/profiler/lib/deployed/jdk16/linux-amd64/libprofilerinterface.so=$NETBEANS_DIR/profiler/lib,5140


A tutorial is provided in the following link: https://github.com/dipc-cc/Morphokinetics/wiki/User-guide#5-examples-parameters-files