
Sigfox communication with a sx1276 radio module on a Murata module

Primary LanguageC

SX1276 / Sigfox on Murata module example code

This example code is demonstrating how to implement a sigfox communication on a Murata CMWX1ZZABZ module (stm32 + sx1276). This example is based on Disk91 IoT SDK repository where the driver code is.

The hardware configuration has been set with CubeMX.

You can get details on this example in the related blog post on disk91.com


** Ready for use **



  1. If you never start CubeIDE, do it to get your project's workspace created. Then open a terminal and go to this directory.
  2. Clone this repository
    [Workspace_CubeMx]# git clone https://github.com/disk91/itsdk-example-sigfox-sx1276.git
  3. Enter this repository
    [Workspace_CubeMx]# cd itsdk-example-sigfox-sx1276
  4. Clone the ItSDK repository
    [itsdk-example-sigfox-sx1276]# git clone -b Version-1.6 https://github.com/disk91/stm32-it-sdk.git
  5. In CubeIDE go to File >> Import >> Existing Projects into Workspace. Select the itsdk-example-sigfox-sx1276 directory and import the project.
  6. Build the project in Release mode
  7. You get a itsdk-example-sigfox-sx1276.bin in the Release folder
  8. Connect the LRWAN ST board with USB
  9. Open a serial tty on the STM32 STLink USB Serial port with 9600bps configuration
  10. Copy the itsdk-example-sigfox-sx1276.bin file on the automatically mounted drive (named DIS_L072Z)
  11. The board programming led is blinking, then the program is running.

On the console, at this step you should see:

[INFO] S 0x10001001

On the board, you should see:

  • LD1 blinking (this is part of the program)
  • LD2 should be on (but this is a side effect of the DIO4 pin mutualization)
  • LD3 should be on (but this is a side effect of the Serial 1 pin mutualization)

If you want to better understand how the LRWAN board led are mapped, take a look to this post


The board is not yet configured for Sigfox: you need to setup different infromations:

  1. Test the console, typing ? on the serial port. You should get:
    --- Common
    ?          : print help
    !          : print copyright
    v          : print version
    o          : print OK
    --- ConfigMng
    c          : print config
    C          : print shadow config
  2. Enter in admin mode by typing in the console changeme
  3. Verify you are now in admin mode by typing ?
    -- Common
    ?          : print help
    !          : print copyright
    v          : print version
    o          : print OK
    X          : exit console
    R          : reset device
    R!         : clear the whole eeprom
    l / L      : switch LowPower ON / OFF
    s          : print device state
    t          : print current time in S
    T          : print current cpu temperature in oC
    b          : print battery level
    B          : print VCC level
    r          : print last Reset Cause
    --- ErrorMng
    e          : print errors log
    E          : Clear the error logs
    --- SecureStore
    ss:R       : restore all SS to factory default
    SS:0:xxxx  : change the secure store dyn Key (12B)
  4. configure Sigfox assuming
    • Device ID like : 00D206AF
    • Device PAC : 0000000000000000
    • Device KEY : 42394514F99016C3A7334A12CFFD4A2C

These credentials can be use for your tests but you won't be able to register them as the PAC is invalid. Now you can type in the console to setup your device (if you copy/paste, you need to add a delay >= 300ms between each char)

  • Configure radio for Europe: SC:A:01
  • Configure PAC: SC:C:0000000000000000
  • Configure KEY: SS:2:42394514F99016C3A7334A12CFFD4A2C
  • Configure DeviceId: SC:D:00D206AF

For each of the command you should see OK printed Now you can watch the pending configuration by typing C command (Upper Case)

	- sdk.version : 16
	sdk.activeNetwork : 1
	sdk.activeRegion : 0000
	sdk.sigfox.rcz : 1
	sdk.sigfox.txPower : rcz default
	sdk.sigfox.speed : rcz default
	sdk.sigfox.sgfxKey : 0
	sdk.sigfox.initialPac : [0000000000000000]
	sdk.sigfox.deviceId : 00D206AF 
	sdk.sigfox.rssiCal : 0
	[WARN] S 0x40000070

The Key is not accessible once set, so you can't verify it.

If corresponding you can apply this configuration by typing S and get:

	- [INFO] S 0x00000072
	/ Init Sigfox Stack success
	| Tx completed <3

A first Sigfox transmission has been fired and you will get one new on every 10 minutes.

General Usage

  • A console for debug is accessible on USART2 @ 9600
  • A console for configuration is accessible on USART2 @ 9600 ; type "?" to access the command. "changeme" to access the private extension to modify the configuration.


This code and ItSdk are under GPLv3. You can use it freely, you can modify, redistribute but you must to publish your source code. Other licenses can be obtained by contacting me on disk91.com