
Disk91 STM32 IoT SDK

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Disk91 IoT_SDK not only for STM32

Version 1.7 - in development. For stable version go to version-1.6 branch

This project is a low level SDK with a harwdare abstraction layer designed to make IoT project. The purpose is to quickly be able to create communicating IoT device over LPWAN (LoRaWAn, Sigfox...) for fast prototyping but also being able to bring that firmware to production will all the necessary components avaoilable out-of-the-box. This SDK try to be fully configurable with header files. The objectif is to propose an abstraction layer between the software implementation and the MCU execution allowing to port the firmware on different plateform.

itsdk_architecture "IT-SDK Architecture"

The SDK is currently implementing STM32(W)L architecture. The abstraction layer allows to quickly add new platforms.

It implements different usefull function with (I hope) a cleaner code than the usual ST SDK components.

Most is done to preserve code size, the SDK can target small flash MCU from 16KB for simple applications.

Active Versions

Version Date Link
1.7 2024-07 master
1.6 2020-07-01 Release 1.6

Examples (project skeleton)

Repository Chipset Feature
itsdk-example-sigfox-seeedE5 Seeed E5 (STM32WLE5) Sigfox Communications
itsdk-example-murata-lora Murata ABZ (STM32/SX1276) LoRaWan Communications
itsdk-example-sigfox-sx1276 Murata ABZ (STM32/SX1276) Sigfox Communications
itsdk-example-catena-4618 MCCI Catena (Murata ABZ) Sigfox Communications
yadom-BRKABZ01-murata Yadom BRKABZ01 (Murata ABZ) LoRaWan Communications


  • IDE environement

    • open-source environment GCC / AC6 (Eclipse)
    • CubeIDE environment GCC / AC6 (Eclipse)
    • May work with any others
  • Supported MCU functions

    • Low Power switch with regular auto-wakeup / LPUART / UART /GPIO Wake-up
    • RTC with calibration
    • EEprom for configuration backup
    • Watchdog
    • Timers with calibration (hardware & software)
    • GPIO / SPI / I2C abstraction
    • Time update
    • Generic Interrupt Handler (hardware independant)
  • Supported Advanced features

    • Task Scheduler
    • State Machine
    • Multiple Serial console logger including Segger RTT
    • Error logger with NVM storage
    • Secured debug & configuration Console
    • Secured Storage in EEPROM for keys
    • End 2 End Sigfox & LoRaWan encryption
    • Configuration over serial for ID commissionning during manufacturing process
    • Accelerometer abstraction layer
    • Gnss abstraction layer
  • Communication protocols interface

    • Sigfox ( clear-text, AES128-CTR, SPECK32, Sigfox-EAS128-CTR-Encryption )
    • LoRaWan ( LoRaWan-Encryption, EAS128-CTR, SPECK32 ) - join / uplink / downlink / ack
  • Supported / tested platforms

    • STM32L011
    • STM32L053
    • STM32L072
    • STM32L052
    • MURATA CMWX1ZZABZ-078 (STM32L082)
    • MURATA CMWX1ZZABZ-091 (STM32L072)
    • STM32WLE5 (Seeed LoRa E5, ...)
  • Supported drivers

    • eeprom
      • m95640
      • virtual eeprom on flash (STM32WL)
    • sigfox
      • s2lp (tested on RCZ1)
      • murata cmwx1zzabz (sx1276) (tested on RCZ1 & RCZ2)
      • stm32WL (sx126x) (in test)
    • lorawan
      • murata cmwx1zzabz (sx1276)
    • T / H / P
      • bosh bme280 & bmp280
      • omron 2smpb-02B
      • infineon DPS422
    • Light
      • Maxim Max44009
    • Current / Battery Pack
      • Maxim Max17205 / Max17201
    • NFC
      • ST25DV - block access / serial console over FTM & memory
    • Hall Effect
      • sl353
    • Accelerometer
      • STM - LIS2DH12
    • Gnss
      • Quectel L80 / L86
      • MediaTek 3333
  • Supported stacks

    • lorawan
      • semtech stack
    • sigfox
      • sigfox stack

The second objective is to be able to port this SDK to different patform to make it a portable SDK. The SDK have a it-sdk directory where everything needs to be portable. stm32l-sdk contains all the subfunctions specific to this platform.

Project organization

Previously the devel branch was the living branch and master was stable. This way sound not optimal (at least for my github commit graph ;)/ So starting in 1.6 here is the new organization:

  • devel is a bit advanced on master for not yet tested commit
  • master is the new devel branch containing tested commit but not yet verified, you must not go in production with master.
  • version branch for each new version + release

Start your project by configuring a skeleton with Cube Mx

  • Sys Clock Mux : HSI16
  • Watchdog : configure IWDG with LSI 37KHz, IWDG_WINDOW value 4095, IWDG_PRESCALER value 256
  • Rtc timer : TIM21 is enable with clock source internal for calibration
  • LowPower :
    • LPUART1/USART1/USART2 (Async 9600 - 8/N/1) for WakeUp => clock setting needs to be HSI and max speed needs to be 9600
    • RTC WakeUp => Activate ClkSource, Calendar, Internal WakeUp, Clk config : LSI, RTC/NVIC => Interrupt activated, Async prediv: 127, Sync prediv: 255
    • GPIO WakeUp => Activate the GPIO as ExtInterrupt, set with Pull & Trigger en Fall/Rise, activate NVIC EXI1_15
  • adc : Select an adc like for temperature and Vcc to get the needed headers

When generating the Project

  • Code generator:
    • select Generate peripheral initalization as par of .c/.h
    • Set all free pins as analog
  • Advanced Settings:
    • Check Not Generated Function Call for ADC

Import the SDK (this repository)

  1. Clone this repository into the root of your project.
  2. For the next configuration, you need to do it ifor both Debug and Release configuration
  3. Add in project properties >> C/C++ General >> Path&Symbol >> Source location >> the repository ItSdk Src directory.
  4. Add in project properties >> C/C++ Build >> Settings >> Tool Settings >> MCU GCC Compiler >> Includes Path >> Add the ItSdk Inc directory.
  5. Add in project properties >> C/C++ Build >> Settings >> Tool Settings >> MCU GCC Assembler >> Includes Path >> Add the ItSdk Inc directory.
  6. In C/C++ Build / Settings / Build Step / pre-build steps you can add the command touch "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/stm32-it-sdk/Src/it_sdk/console/console.c}" this will update the compile date on every build
  7. You can get detail on size of code generated on build by adding a post-build step "arm-none-eabi-size --format=sysV ${BuildArtifactFileName}"
  8. You can take a loop on various stm32 code optimization also.

Configure the SDK

  1. Copy one of the ItSdk/Src/project_main.c.template file into Core/Src/project_main.c and make the modification you want to get started.
  2. Copy the ItSdk/Inc/it_sdk/config.h.template file into Core/Inc/it_sdk/config.h
  3. Copy the ItSdk/Inc/it_sdk/configDrivers.h.template file into Core/Inc/it_sdk/configDrivers.h [needed when using some of the drivers]
  4. Copy the ItSdk/Inc/it_sdk/configSigfox.h.template file into Core/Inc/it_sdk/configSigfox.h [needed when using sigfox drivers]
  5. Copy the ItSdk/Inc/it_sdk/configLoRaWan.h.template file into Core/Inc/it_sdk/configLoRaWan.h [needed when using LoRaWAn drivers]
  6. Edit these files and fill the different settings according to your environment and your choices.

Modify the Cube Mx skeleton

Things to not forget once a cubeMx project has been created

  • Gpio.c

    • During deep-sleep, all the gpios not listed in ITSDK_LOWPOWER_GPIO_X_KEEP will be switched analog. The gpio attached to devices (I2C,SPI...) will be reconfigured when these device will be reactivated but the standard gpio will need to be reconfigured.
    • By default the wake up procedure call void MX_GPIO_Init(void) function created by CubeMX. If the default setting is good for you you can keep it but you will have to remove the gpio SET & RESET functions.
    • Another solution (better) is to create a function named void stm32l_lowPowerRestoreGpioConfig():
    void stm32l_lowPowerRestoreGpioConfig() {
        /* GPIO Ports Clock Enable */
        // reconfigure the gpio deep-sleep have switched analog
        // reactivate the Interrupt line you need
        HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI0_1_IRQn, 0, 0);
        HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI4_15_IRQn, 0, 0);
  • Main.c => includes

  /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
	#include <it_sdk/config.h>
	#include <it_sdk/itsdk.h>
  /* USER CODE END Includes */

=> main

  	/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */
  	/* USER CODE END 2 */

  	/* Infinite loop */
  	while (1)
	  /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
  	/* USER CODE END 3 */

Other modifications (need to be done on every CubeMx project regeneration):

  • GPIO - (in gpio.c) Cube Mx is setting/resetting the Gpio state on init. You need to manually comment the line in gpio.c to avoid the pin to be modified on MCU wake-up. The other solution is to let the gpio init as-is and add a function void stm32l_lowPowerRestoreGpioConfig() containing the gpio reconfiguration after wakeup.

  • ADC - if you choose to not use ADC_OPTIMIZED_CODE_FOR_SIZE : remove generated adc.c/h and remove adc references in main.c


The documentation about the different components is available in /Doc directory. The function API are not documented in the .h files but more generally in the .c files. Work in progress...


The examples are published on different Git repo to simplify the distribution of the SDK. See /Example directory for a direct access to these ready to use projects.

Version Upgrade

When upgrading the SDK from a new version, the main impact is to add the new Settings expected in the different configuration file. Please find the different settings added version after version

from version 1.7.0


  • return code from I2C and SPI moved from I2C_XX to __I2C_XX and SPI_XX to __SPI_XX
  • eeprom interface have a UserLand area. The config zone has been refactored to support version upgrade.


  • ITSDK_WITH_GPIO_HANDLER / Enable the internal GPIO Handler - now you can disable it basically
  • ITSDK_RADIO_POWER_OFFSET / Add an offset to radio Tx power - to compensate antenna loss transparently (global to all radios)
  • ITSDK_RADIO_MAX_OUTPUT_DBM / Max radio Tx power supported by the radio chip
  • ITSDK_RADIO_CERTIF / Enable code and console options for radio certification


  • ITSDK_SIGFOX_FREQOFFSET / S2LP - Frequency Offset
  • ITSDK_S2LP_OPTIMIZE_RAM / S2LP - RAM usage reduction
  • ITSDK_S2LP_CNF_MONARCH_G / S2LP - Config GPIO Sampling vs FIFO for Monarch
  • ITSDK_S2LP_INTERRUPT_BANK / S2LP - GPIO used as Interrupt
  • ITSDK_S2LP_INTERRUPT_PIN / S2LP - GPIO used as Interrupt


  • ITSDK_LORAWAN_RX2DELAY_MOD / Ms Delay added to RX 2 Window Start for calibration


  • ITSDK_DRIVERS_MAX17205_CAPA_MAX / Max capacity - no impact if not declared

from version 1.6.0

project settings

  • Add in project properties >> C/C++ Build >> Settings >> Tool Settings >> MCU GCC Assembler >> Includes Path >> Add the ItSdk Inc directory.


  • ITSDK_WITH_WDG / allows to disable the watchdog
  • ITSDK_WITH_UART_RXIRQ / allows to enable an RX IRQ on Serial communications with internal circular buffer
  • ITSDK_WITH_UART_RXIRQ_BUFSZ / size of the RX IRQ circular buffer for each of the serial channel (power of two)
  • ITSDK_WITH_EXPERIMENTAL / activate or deactivate some experimental code by default set it to DISABLE
  • ITSDK_LOGGER_WITH_SEG_RTT / activate or deactive the segger RTT console (see segger.md file)
  • ITSDK_STATEMACHINE_STATIC / state machine optimization with definition stored in flaash instead of RAM



from version 1.5.0






  • ITSDK_MURATA_ANTSW_RX_PIN (typo fixed)
  • header define name changed


  • ITSDK_MURATA_ANTSW_RX_PIN (typo fixed)
  • ITDSK_SIGFOX_RCZ (removed)


This code and ItSdk are under GPLv3. You can use it freely, you can modify, redistribute but you must publish your source code.

When included into a commercial product you have the following obligations:

  • The commercial product must include as part of the documentation (Website + paper) and written on the packaging the following sentence build thanks to Disk91 IoT_SDK
  • The commercial product documentation (Website + paper) a link to the Disk91 IoT_SDK github repository and a link with all the modified and added source code the product includes (following the GPLv3 licence)

Other licenses can be obtained by contacting me on disk91.com. Non public licence allows you to be released from the previously described obligations.