
Could SDK add the support for latest TX1?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi guys,

Now I am using NVIDIA TX1 with JetPack L4T 2.3, which install Ubuntu 16.04, Arm 64bits and ROS Kinetic.
But the could not support current system.
Could you add this support? Because I think TX1 is becoming a popular and powerful platform for M100.


did you try the lib for XU3?

Thx for your reply @lanyusea

XU3 could work for TX1 with JetPack L4T 2.2.1, which install Ubuntu 14.04 with 32 bits.

But for latest JetPack L4T 2.3 with 64bits version, it could not work.

@lanyusea Would help if new 64bit libs were uploaded!!

Does this work now?

@szx0112 Still no update from DJI 👎