1 Paper

Liu, Wan, Qi Lu, Zhizheng Zhuo, Yuxing Li, Yunyun Duan, Pinnan Yu, Liying Qu, Chuyang Ye, and Yaou Liu. "Volumetric Segmentation of White Matter Tracts with Label Embedding." NeuroImage (2022), 250: 118934.

2 Prerequisites

2.1 Environment and Software

2.2 Install Baseline Code and BatchGenerators

  • We use TractSeg as the baseline, and install it from local source code:
git clone https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/TractSeg.git
pip install -e TractSeg
  • Install BatchGenerators:
git clone https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/batchgenerators.git
pip intall -e batchgenerators
  • Create a file ~/.tractseg/config.txt, and write the path of your own directory in config.txt, e.g. working_dir=Your_OutputPath.

3 Run Our Code

3.1 Download Code

  • Download our code as zip, and unzip it.
  • Save our code in the same directory of TractSeg code, i.e. Your_CodePath.

3.2 Data Preparation

  • Download the HCP scans and the gold standard of WM tracts.
  • Extract the input peaks images from dMRI scans with 'Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/bin/Generate_Peaks.py'.
  • Arrange the peaks and annotations of different subjects to the following structure -> used for network testing:
            '-> mrtrix_peaks.nii.gz       (mrtrix CSD peaks;  shape: [x,y,z,9])
            '-> bundle_masks.nii.gz       (Reference bundle masks; shape: [x,y,z,nr_bundles])
  • Remove the non-brain area of data in HCP_for_training_COPY fold with 'Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/bin/Remove_Nonbrain.py', and arrange the data to the following structure -> used for network training:
            '-> mrtrix_peaks.nii.gz       (mrtrix CSD peaks;  shape: [x,y,z,9])
            '-> bundle_masks.nii.gz       (Reference bundle masks; shape: [x,y,z,nr_bundles])
  • Adapt 'Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/tractseg/libs/system_config.py' and modify DATA_PATH to 'Your_DataPath/HCP_preproc'.
  • Adapt 'Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/tractseg/data/subjects.py' with the list of your subject IDs.

3.3 Train the Network

  • Set the temporary enviroment variable in terminal to our code path:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding
  • Train the network:
python run Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/bin/ExpRunner
  • The training output is saved in 'Your_OutputPath/hcp_exp/my_custom_experiment'.

3.4 Test the Trained Model

  • Set the temporary enviroment variable in terminal to our code path:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding
  • You can directly test the network using the provided data in the example fold and network model (link1 & link2) after modifying the corresponding paths in 'Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/bin/ExpRunner_test.py':
python run Your_CodePath/TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/bin/ExpRunner_test.py
  • Test the network with your trained model and test data after modifing the corresponding paths in ExpRunner_test.py.

Note that we did experiments through modificating the TractSeg-v2.0, and the main modifications are listed as follows:

  1. Add extra scripts to prepare data as in 3.2 Data preparation and test model as in 'TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/bin/ExpRunner_test.py'.
  2. Add extra scripts to define network as in 'TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/tractseg/models/unet_pytorch_deepup_simp1.py' (used for network training) and 'TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/tractseg/models/unet_pytorch_deepup_simp1_test.py' (used for network testing).
  3. Modify the loss settings as in 'TractSegWithLabelEmbedding/tractseg/libs/trainer.py' and 'TractSeg_labelembed/tractseg/models/base_model.py'.