
ros package with tools for ffmpeg compressed images

Primary LanguageC++


This repo contains tools that work in conjunction with the ffmpeg_image_transport

decoding bags

So let's say you have collected video data using the ffmpeg image transport, and it's sitting in a ROS bag. You can decode it with decode_bag! First have a look at the decode_bag_single.launch script to make sure the image topic is correct etc.

roslaunch ffmpeg_image_transport_tools decode_bag_single.launch bag:=/archive/tmp/test.bag out_file_dir:=/data/tmp

This will yield a raw h256 file. Now use ffmpeg to put it into an mp4 container:

ffmpeg -framerate 40 -i video_full.h265 -c copy video.mp4

You can stack several video streams next to each other by using th decode_bag.launch script. For image tiling, please see instructions in the script.

roslaunch ffmpeg_image_transport_tools decode_bag.launch bag:=/archive/tmp/test.bag out_file_dir:=/data/tmp

If you just want the raw video stream, you can use the split_bag node, which pulls the video(s) out of the bag and splits them into one stream for each camera:

roslaunch ffmpeg_image_transport_tools split_bag.launch bag:=your_bag_name.bag out_file_base:=/your_director/video_

This should produce files video_*.h265, one for each camera, which again you can turn into a mp4 file using ffmpeg.