
A tiny management framework for deep learning experiments.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple management framework for deep learning experiments.

What is it?

Rhodopsin is a minimalistic utility geared toward deep learning researchers. It's designed to facilitate experimentation by allowing you to change hyperparameters on-the-fly without restarting your training code. Furthermore, Rhodopsin can automatically track statistics about your model, and can produce quick reports.

Rhodopsin is not specific to any particular machine learning framework or package.

How does it work?

Rhodopsin rebinds the SIGINT signal, so when you Ctrl-C your training code, it takes you into a menu that allows you to view statistics and adjust hyperparameters. It's as simple as that.


Rhodopsin can be installed by cloning the Git repository and running the installation script:

~$ python setup.py install


Here is a very simple example of using Rhodopsin to control an experiment:

from rhodopsin import experiment

class MyExp(experiment.Experiment):
  """ This is a class for my experiment. """

  def _run_training_step(self):
    Code to run a single training iteration.

  def _run_testing_step(self):
    Code to run a single testing iteration.

# The number of training iterations to run before every testing iteration.
testing_iters = 100

exp = MyExp(testing_iters)
# Run the training until manually stopped.

Adjusting Hyperparameters

In order for changing a hyperparameter to have any effect, you must explicitly check for changes in your training code, and take any appropriate action. Here is an example of reading the set value of a hyperparameter:

def _run_training_step(self):
  params = self.get_params()
  # Get the set value for the learning rate.
  learning_rate = params.get_value("learning_rate")

  Training code.

Incidentally, Hyperperparameters has a useful method called get_changed(). This returns a list of all the parameters that have changed since the last call.

params = self.get_params()
print params.get_changed()
# Prints []

params.add("learning_rate", 0.001)
params.add("momentum", 0.9)

print params.get_changed()
# Prints ['learning_rate', 'momentum']

Custom Hyperparameters

So far, Rhodopsin does not specify any default hyperparameters. Therefore, if you want to add a hyperparameter, and you want its value to be changeable on-the-fly, you have to specify it manually:

from rhodopsin import experiment, params

class MyExp(experiment.Experiment):

# Create custom hyperparameter manager.
my_params = params.HyperParams()

# Add custom parameters with initial values.
my_params.add("learning_rate", 0.001)
my_params.add("momentum", 0.9)

experiment = MyExp(100, hyperparams=my_params)

You will now be able to access the values of learning_rate and momentum as described above.

Custom Status

Rhodopsin allows you to view the current and historical values of certain model statistics or status parameters. By default, the only status parameter is the number of iterations that have been run. Custom status parameters can be specified in a similar way to custom hyperparameters:

from rhodopsin import experiment, params

class MyExp(experiment.Experiment):

# Create custom status parameter manager.
my_status = params.Status()

# Add custom parameters with initial values.
my_status.add("loss", 0.0)
my_status.add("acc", 0.0)

experiment = MyExp(100, status=my_status)

The status parameters can then be updated from within your training code:

def _run_training_step(self):
  status = self.get_status()

  Training code.

  # Update the values of status parameters.
  status.update("loss", loss)
  status.update("acc", accuracy)

Model Saving and Loading

Optionally, Rhodopsin can automatically manage saving and loading your model as well. Here is a basic example:

from rhodopsin import experiment

class MyExp(experiment.Experiment):
  """ This is a class for my experiment. """

  def _run_training_step(self):
    Code to run a single training iteration.

  def _run_testing_step(self):
    Code to run a single testing iteration.

  def _save_model(self, save_file):
    Code to save the model to "save_file".

  def _load_model(self, save_file):
    Code to load the model from "save_file".

# The number of training iterations to run before every testing iteration.
testing_iters = 100

exp = MyExp(testing_iters, save_file="my_model.hd5")
# Run the training until manually stopped.

It is important to note that save_file can be used simply as a generic name, not necessarily a file name. For instance, if using TensorFlow's built-in saver, save file can be the name of the save directory.

There is also another method that can be overriden:

def _model_exists(self, save_file):

This method checks if a saved model exists. The default simply checks whether save_file is a valid path, but you can override it to do something more complicated.

If your model requires some kind of initialization before it can be loaded, there is an optional method to do that:

def _init_experiment(self)
  Model initialization code.

This method will always be called before we check for and attempt to load a saved model.

If _save_model() is implemented, the model will be saved after every testing iteration, as well as whenever the menu is exited.