
Apriltags for ROS implemented for the CMU Multisense system

Primary LanguagePostScript

apriltags_ros was originally develloped in https://travis-ci.org/RIVeR-Lab/apriltags_ros

This is the AprilTags implementation for ROS, using the CMU Multisense sensor, as well as an ASUS Xtion LIVE Pro.

Installation: -- mkdir apriltags_ros -- mkdir apriltags_ros/src -- cd apriltags_ros/src -- git init -- git clone https://github.com/dkanou/apriltags_ros.git -- catkin_init_workspace -- cd .. -- catkin_make -- cd .. -- source devel/setup.bash

Run: -- roscore -- roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch depth_registration:=true -- rviz -- roslaunch apriltags_ros detector.launch